Academic Singles
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  • Compatibility matching
  • Detailed profiles
  • Secure environment
  • Free registration and trial period
  • Easy to use
  • Lack of diversity
  • Limited communication options
  • Expensive membership fees
  • Matching algorithm not always accurate
  • Time consuming registration process


  • Tier:
  • Active Audience:
  • Quality Matches:
  • Average Age:
  • Profiles:
  • Reply Rate:
  • Usability:
  • Popularity:
  • Fraud:
    Hardly ever
  • Rating:
  • Sign up:

Academic Singles – Is It Worth It?


Academic Singles is an online dating app that has been helping people find their perfect match since 2009. It caters to singles who are looking for a serious relationship and focuses on bringing like-minded individuals together. The platform offers users the opportunity to connect with others from around the world, making it one of the most popular apps in its category. Academic Singles was created by Affinitas GmbH, which also owns other well-known dating sites such as EliteSingles and eDarling. Currently, there are over 1 million active users registered on this platform worldwide – primarily located in Germany, France, Switzerland , Austria and Belgium .

The app is free to use but requires registration before you can start using it – all you need is your email address or Facebook account information when signing up for an account. Once logged into your profile page (which includes personal details such as age range preferences), you will be able access features including ‘Like’ someone’s profile; search through profiles based on location/interests; view recommended matches ; send messages ; upload photos etc., all designed specifically so that members can easily meet potential partners who share similar interests & values.. In addition , if desired , members may upgrade their membership status at any time allowing them more options within their searches .

For those seeking convenience while searching for love online – Academic Singles also have mobile applications available both iOS & Android devices meaning no matter where they go they always stay connected! To register simply download either version of our application onto your device via App Store / Google Play store then follow instructions given after opening program – once completed fill out required fields ensuring accuracy throughout process .

How Does Academic Singles Work?

Academic Singles is a dating app designed to connect users with like-minded individuals. It has been developed for singles who are looking for serious relationships and meaningful connections. The app offers a unique matching system that uses an algorithm based on personality traits, interests, lifestyle choices and other factors in order to match compatible partners. Users can also search by location or filter profiles according to their own criteria such as age range, height or even hobbies and interests. With millions of active members from over five countries including the United States, Canada, Australia , Germany & France Academic Singles provides its users with one of the largest online dating pools available today .

The registration process on Academic Singles is simple yet secure; after creating your profile you will be asked some questions about yourself which helps build up your personal profile page so potential matches have more information when viewing it – this includes uploading pictures too! You can then start searching through thousands of user profiles using various filters such as age range or distance away from you – all helping narrow down results until finding someone suitable enough to contact them directly via message within the app itself.. Once connected both parties may chat freely before deciding if they would like take things further offline either meeting up face-to-face somewhere safe (e.g coffee shop) or continuing communication via phone/email etc… All conversations between two people remain private unless otherwise agreed upon meaning no third party interference whatsoever giving peace mind knowing whatever said remains confidential only shared between those involved directly .

To ensure safety at all times there’s always 24/7 customer support team ready help out any time needed plus additional security measures put place stop malicious activity protect data privacy e g verification emails sent new accounts extra encryption levels during login processes keeping sensitive details protected utmost care taken make sure everyone feels comfortable whilst using service provided … In addition free weekly events organised across major cities around world where registered members invited attend mix mingle real life rather than just behind screens computer phones making easier form bonds friendships quickly efficiently manner ..

Finally once happy found right person move forward next step relationship create account ‘premium membership’ access features not available basic package example ability send receive unlimited messages without restrictions view full size photos advanced filtering options improved visibility amongst many others … Premium membership costs small fee but worth every penny due quality assurance standards maintained high level ensuring successful outcomes ultimately leads true love happiness !

  • 1.Verified Profile: Academic Singles verifies all user profiles to ensure that only genuine singles are able to use the platform.
  • 2. Personality Test: The platform offers a comprehensive personality test which helps users find compatible matches based on their individual preferences and interests.
  • 3. Advanced Search Functionality: Users can easily search for potential partners using an advanced search function with filters such as age, location, education level etc.,
  • 4. Secure Messaging System: All messages sent through Academic Singles’ messaging system are encrypted and secure from any third-party access or interference
  • 5. Compatibility Score Indicator : Every profile includes a compatibility score indicator so you know how well matched you may be with another member before even sending them a message!
  • 6 . Member Suggestions : Members receive tailored suggestions of other members who might be good fits for them based on their answers in the personality test

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Academic Singles app is a straightforward process. First, you will need to provide your gender and the gender of who you are looking for. Then, enter your email address and create a password. You will also be asked to fill out some personal information such as age, location, occupation etc., which helps in finding better matches for you according to what matters most in relationships – compatibility! Once all these details have been submitted successfully then it’s time to start searching through potential partners based on their interests or personality traits that match yours best! After submitting your details there is an option available where users can take a free test designed by psychologists so they can get more accurate results when matching with others on the platform. The minimum required age for dating someone via this app is 18 years old and registration itself does not cost anything; however if one wishes access additional features like unlimited messaging then they may have pay subscription fees accordingly.

  • 1.

Design and Usability of Academic Singles

The Academic Singles app has a modern and minimalistic design, with colors like white, grey and blue. It is easy to find profiles of other people; the main page contains different categories that you can use to narrow down your search. The usability of the app is great; it’s intuitive and straightforward so anyone can quickly learn how to navigate through it. With a paid subscription there are some UI improvements such as more detailed profile information which makes finding someone easier than ever before!

User Profile Quality

Profile quality on Academic Singles is generally high. All profiles are public and can be viewed by any user, although you can set a custom bio if desired. There isn’t a “friends” feature or anything similar but there is an option to favorite certain users for later contact. Privacy settings available to users include the ability to hide their location info from other members as well as block certain people from contacting them. Signing up with Google or Facebook accounts is also possible, though this may compromise privacy in some cases since it links personal information between platforms. Fake accounts have been reported occasionally so verifying profile details before engaging further should always be done when necessary.. Premium subscription offers additional benefits such as access to more detailed search results and improved visibility of your profile among others using the service . Location info typically reveals city level detail only unless distance setting options are enabled which allows seeing how far away another user might live without revealing exact coordinates


Academic Singles is a dating website that caters to those looking for serious relationships. It offers users the chance to meet people who have similar interests and backgrounds, as well as providing an easy-to-use platform with advanced search capabilities. The site also has various features such as profile creation, messaging system and even matchmaking services. One of its main advantages is that it allows members to find potential matches in their area or across the world quickly and easily through its sophisticated algorithm. Additionally, Academic Singles provides a secure environment where all personal information remains confidential until both parties agree otherwise – making it one of the safest online dating sites available today.

The app version of Academic Singles works similarly but with some differences; while most features are accessible on both platforms (such as creating profiles), there are certain exclusive functions only available via mobile devices like location tracking which can be used when searching for nearby singles in your area using GPS technology . Furthermore, since apps usually require less data than websites do they tend run faster so you’ll get quicker results when swiping through prospective partners compared to desktop searches on browsers which may take longer due too slow loading times etc..

At this time there isn’t an official website from Academic Singles yet however this could change soon given how popular these types of sites have become over recent years; many companies see them not just another way advertise their product/service but also generate additional revenue streams by offering premium subscription packages or charging fees per message sent between users etc… As such we expect more organizations will start launching dedicated webpages sooner rather than later allowing customers access content without having download any software first

Safety & Security

App security is an important consideration for any online dating service, and Academic Singles takes this very seriously. To ensure that users are genuine and authentic, they have implemented a verification process which requires all new members to provide proof of identity before being able to use the app. This includes uploading images or documents such as passports or driver’s licenses in order to verify their authenticity. Additionally, Academic Singles uses AI technology along with manual reviews by moderators in order to detect bots and fake accounts on the platform. Photos uploaded by users are also manually reviewed for inappropriate content before being approved for public viewing; this helps protect against potential scams or malicious activity from other users on the site. Furthermore, two-factor authentication is available as an extra layer of protection when logging into your account – providing peace of mind that only you can access it!

Academic Singles has strict privacy policies designed to keep user data safe at all times; personal information collected during registration will never be shared with third parties without explicit consent from each individual user firstly given permission via opt-in forms provided upon sign up/login processes – ensuring maximum safety & confidentiality throughout usage periods across its platforms

Pricing and Benefits

Academic Singles is a dating app that allows users to connect with like-minded individuals. The app offers free and paid subscriptions, so users can choose the option that best suits their needs.

The basic version of Academic Singles is completely free for all users, allowing them access to most features on the platform such as creating an account, browsing profiles and sending messages. However some advanced features are only available through a paid subscription plan which includes:

  • Unlimited messaging capabilities
  • Access to more detailed profile information – Advanced search filters – Ability to see who has viewed your profile – Priority customer service support

The prices for these plans vary depending on how long you sign up for; 1 month costs $49 per month while 3 months cost $33 per month (a total of $99). These prices are quite competitive compared with other similar services in this market space making it attractive choice if you’re looking for value when signing up.

If at any point during your membership period you decide not cancel or renew then there will be no refunds given by Academic Singles but they do offer an easy cancellation process via email or phone call should you wish terminate your contract early before its expiration date arrives . Ultimately whether or not getting a paid subscription is worth it depends entirely upon what kind of user experience each individual wants from using the app; those wanting full access may find paying worthwhile whereas others might prefer just sticking with the basic version instead..

Help & Support

Academic Singles offers a range of support options for its users. The first option is to visit the help page on their website, which contains information about how to use the site and frequently asked questions. The answers are provided in an easy-to-understand format with step by step instructions where applicable. This can be accessed 24/7 so you don’t have to wait around for someone else’s availability before getting your answer or assistance with any issue that may arise while using Academic Singles.

Another way you can access support from Academic Singles is via email or phone call; they provide contact details on their website as well as through other communication channels such as social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter if needed. Response times vary depending on when it was sent but generally speaking, most emails will receive a response within 48 hours whilst telephone calls should expect one shortly after dialling in due to having staff available during normal business hours (9am – 5pm).

Finally, there is also an online chat service available through the website which allows customers who need immediate assistance regarding technical issues or queries related specifically to academic singles usage – this has been found very useful by many members since it provides quick responses without having them waiting too long for replies from customer service representatives either over email or phone call methods mentioned above!


1. Is Academic Singles safe?

Yes, Academic Singles is a safe and secure online dating platform. The site uses advanced security measures to protect its members’ personal information and data from being accessed by unauthorized third parties. All communication between users on the website is encrypted using SSL technology, which ensures that all sensitive information remains private and confidential at all times. Additionally, Academic Singles has an extensive moderation team in place who are constantly monitoring activity on the site for any suspicious behaviour or fraudulent accounts so that they can take appropriate action as soon as possible if necessary. Finally, users have full control over their profile settings allowing them to decide what kind of contact they would like to receive from other members while also having access to tools such as blocking or reporting inappropriate content when needed

2. Is Academic Singles a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Academic Singles is a real dating site with real users. The website has been around since 2013 and it caters to singles who are looking for serious relationships. It uses an in-depth personality test to match its members based on their values, interests, goals and lifestyle choices. This ensures that all of the profiles you see on the platform are genuine people seeking meaningful connections. In addition to this, Academic Singles also takes steps such as manually verifying each profile before allowing them access to the site which helps keep out any fake or malicious accounts from joining up and ruining your experience while using it. All these measures make sure that when you use Academic Singles you can be confident knowing that everyone there is genuinely interested in finding someone special just like yourself!

3. How to use Academic Singles app?

Using the Academic Singles app is easy and straightforward. First, you will need to download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store depending on your device. Once downloaded, open it up and register for an account using your email address or Facebook profile information. After registering, you can start creating a profile that includes personal details such as age range, interests and hobbies etc., which will help other users find matches more easily with similar preferences. You can also upload photos of yourself so potential partners have an idea of what you look like before messaging them directly through the chat feature in-app! Additionally, there are various search filters available to refine results even further if needed – these include location distance radius settings along with physical attributes such as height/weight ratio etc.. Finally once all set up just browse profiles until something catches your eye then send out messages via chat window provided – good luck!

4. Is Academic Singles free?

Academic Singles is not free. To use the full features of Academic Singles, you must purchase a subscription plan. Subscription plans range from one month to twelve months and vary in price depending on which plan you choose. The longer your subscription period, the lower the monthly cost will be for each month that it covers. With a paid membership, users can access all of Academic Singles’ services such as sending messages to other members or seeing who has viewed their profile page.

5. Is Academic Singles working and can you find someone there?

Academic Singles is a dating website that caters to people who are looking for serious relationships. It has been around since 2009 and claims to have over 13 million members worldwide, so it certainly seems like it could be an effective way of finding someone special. The site works by asking users to complete detailed personality tests which help match them with other singles in their area who share similar interests and values. In addition, the site also offers various features such as chat rooms, message boards and even video calls – all designed to make connecting with potential partners easier than ever before. So yes, Academic Singles does appear to work well when it comes helping its members find compatible matches – if you’re willing put in the effort required then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able find someone special on this platform!


In conclusion, Academic Singles is a great dating app for those looking to find partners. The design and usability of the app are excellent; it’s easy to navigate around and use its features. Safety and security measures are also in place, with all user data being encrypted on their servers. Help & support options include an FAQ page as well as customer service representatives who can be contacted via email or phone if needed. Lastly, the quality of users’ profiles is high; they provide detailed information about themselves so that potential matches have enough material to make informed decisions when considering someone for a date or relationship. All things considered, Academic Singles provides an enjoyable experience for anyone seeking companionship online – making it one of the top-rated apps available today!

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Author Ava White

Ava White is a professional writer and reviewer of dating sites and apps. She has extensive experience in the online dating industry and has been writing reviews for the last five years. Ava excels in providing honest and reliable assessments of the various sites and apps out there in order to help people make informed decisions when selecting a dating service. She is passionate about helping people find the right match and takes a lot of pride in her work. When she's not writing reviews, Ava enjoys cooking, listening to music, and spending time with her family.