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  • 1. Free to join
  • 2. Large user base
  • 3. Variety of interests catered for
  • 4. Easy to use interface
  • Lack of active users
  • Limited search options
  • No app available for mobile devices
  • Fewer features than other dating sites


  • Tier:
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    Hardly ever
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Altscene – Is It Worth It?


The Altscene app is a popular social networking platform that connects alternative people from all over the world. It was launched in 2008 and since then, it has become one of the most widely used apps for those who identify as gothic, punk, metalhead or any other subculture related to alternative music. The app allows users to find like-minded individuals with similar interests and backgrounds; they can also share photos, videos and music with each other on their profiles.

Altscene currently boasts more than 3 million active members worldwide which makes it one of the largest online communities dedicated solely to alternative lifestyles. It is owned by AltScene Ltd., a company based in London UK but its popularity extends beyond Europe into countries such as Australia, Canada , USA , Japan & Germany .
The service provided by Altscene is free for everyone although there are some features available only through premium membership plans starting at $4 per month .

In addition to being accessible via web browser (https://www.altscene) this network also offers an Android/iOS mobile application so you can stay connected even when you’re away from your computer! All new users have access basic functionalities after registering using either email address or Facebook account details – no payment required ! With just few clicks anyone interested in exploring what this vibrant community has offer will be able join without much hassle – simply create profile choose username password click “Sign Up” button done!

How Does Altscene Work?

The Altscene app is a social networking platform that allows users to connect with like-minded individuals from around the world. It offers an array of features, including profile creation and messaging capabilities, as well as various search filters so you can find people who share your interests. The app also has a wide range of user types – from music fans to gamers – so there’s something for everyone. With over 1 million active members in five countries (United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand), it’s easy to find someone near you or across the globe!

Finding profiles on Altscene is simple; all you need do is enter some basic information about yourself such as age group and gender before being presented with potential matches based on similar interests or locations. You can then browse through these results until finding one that catches your eye – once found simply click ‘connect’ if they have already accepted requests from other users or send them an invitation request which will be sent directly via email address provided by the user when creating their account details initially..

Once connected both parties are able view each others’ full profile page containing photos/videos uploaded by themselves along with any additional information added such us likes/dislikes hobbies etc., allowing both parties gain more insight into what makes up their prospective match even further enhancing chances of successful connection between two compatible partners seeking same things out life whether it be friendship romantic relationship business partnership anything else imaginable!.

Altscene also provides its own internal messaging system enabling private conversations between matched pairs without having worry about third party interference thus providing secure safe environment discuss matters concerning either person involved within conversation itself while at same time giving peace mind knowing no personal data exchanged shared outside walls application itself making sure privacy respected every step way!.

Finally another great feature offered altscene ability rate other members base how much liked interacted enjoyed company during interaction this not only helps promote positive experiences but also lets know fellow community member honest opinion new connections made overall helping create better sense trustworthiness among whole network benefit everyone involved end day making easier form relationships begin grow throughout lifetime use service offering…

  • 1.Comprehensive search filters to help you find the perfect match.
  • 2. Ability to upload photos and videos, as well as create a detailed profile page with interests and preferences listed.
  • 3. Message boards for discussing topics related to alternative lifestyles, music genres, subcultures etc..
  • 4. An active community of like-minded individuals who share similar interests in alternative culture and lifestyle choices such as gothic fashion or punk rock music scene .
  • 5. Events calendar which allows users to stay up-to-date on upcoming concerts or festivals happening near them
  • 6

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Altscene app is a simple process. To begin, users must first download and install the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. Once installed, they will be prompted to create an account by entering their email address and creating a password of at least 8 characters in length. They then need to provide some basic information about themselves such as age, gender identity/orientation preferences, location etc., before being asked to upload one or more profile pictures that meet certain criteria set out by the site’s terms of service agreement (no nudity). After submitting all this information they are required to agree with these terms before finally clicking ‘Create Account’ which will complete registration process.
The minimum age requirement for dating on Altscene is 18 years old; however younger people can still register but won’t have access to any features related specifically towards dating until reaching legal adulthood status in their country of residence . Registration itself is free although there may be additional costs associated with using specific features within the app once registered.. Upon completing registration successfully users should receive confirmation via email along with instructions for how best use it going forward

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create a unique username and password combination that is not already in use by another user on the site.
  • 3. Users under 18 years of age are prohibited from registering an account with Altscene unless they have parental permission to do so, as stated in the Terms & Conditions page for the website.
  • 4. All users will be required to agree to abide by all rules and regulations set forth within Altscene’s terms of service before being allowed access into their account or any features associated with it (i..e chat rooms, forums etc).
  • 5 .Users should upload at least one profile picture upon registration which can then be used throughout various parts of their experience on AltScene such as when making posts or comments in discussion threads/forums or sending messages through private messaging systems offered within certain areas of AltScene’s platform .
  • 6 .User profiles should contain accurate information about themselves including but not limited too; gender identity, sexual orientation , hobbies/interests , music tastes etc…so other members may get an idea who they might potentially connect with more easily 7 Users need to specify what type(s)of relationship(s)they are looking for upon sign up whether its friendship only / casual dating / long term relationships ect…this way others know exactly what you want out your time spent using this online community 8 Finally each user needs confirm his/her agreement regarding data protection policies listed both during initial registration process & also again via separate checkbox prior submitting final form

Design and Usability of Altscene

The Altscene app has a modern and vibrant design, with bold colors like pink, blue and green that make it stand out. The user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate through the different sections of the app. It’s also very easy to find profiles of other people – you can search by location or interests for more specific results.

In terms of usability, all features are clearly labeled so users know what they’re looking at right away without having to guess around too much. With a paid subscription there are some UI improvements such as bigger profile pictures which makes it easier to identify who you’re talking with online.

User Profile Quality

Profiles on Altscene are public and can be viewed by anyone. You have the option to set a custom bio, but there is no “friends” feature or something similar available. Privacy settings are limited; however, users do have the ability to hide their location info if they choose not to reveal it. There is also an optional Google or Facebook sign-in feature for added security against fake accounts. Location information in profiles does not reveal your city but rather gives an indication of how far away other users may be from you which could come with some benefits for those who opt into premium subscriptions as this allows them access to more features such as being able search based on distance from you and seeing who else has visited your profile recently among others things .


Altscene is a dating website that caters to alternative lifestyles. It offers users the chance to connect with people who share similar interests and values, making it easier for them to find potential partners. The site has several advantages, such as its large user base of over 500 million members from around the world; its diverse range of features including chat rooms and message boards; and its ability to customize searches based on specific criteria like age or location. Additionally, Altscene provides detailed profiles which allow users more insight into their prospective matches than other sites do.

The main disadvantage of using Altscene is that it does not have an app version at this time – meaning those wishing to use the service must access it through their web browser instead. This can be inconvenient if someone wishes they could quickly check messages while out-and-about or on vacation without having easy access via an app store download option available elsewhere online (such as Tinder). While there are no current plans in place for developing a mobile application version of Altscene’s services yet, some speculate that one may eventually become available due both increased demand by customers seeking greater convenience when connecting with others online along with advances in technology allowing developers new opportunities for creating better experiences within apps overall

Safety & Security

Altscene is a dating app that provides users with an alternative to traditional online dating. The security of the app is paramount, and Altscene has implemented several measures to ensure user safety. All accounts must be verified before they can access any features on the platform, which helps prevent bots and fake accounts from accessing the service. This verification process includes email address confirmation as well as manual photo review by their team of moderators or AI-driven algorithms for additional assurance against fraudulent activity. Additionally, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available so users can further protect their account information with an extra layer of security when logging in from unfamiliar devices or locations.

The privacy policy at Altscene outlines how personal data will be collected and used during registration processes such as profile creation and payment processing services if applicable; it also states what types of communications may occur between members including emails notifications about new messages received etc., outlining clear guidelines for both parties involved in order to keep all interactions secure within its platform boundaries

Pricing and Benefits

Altscene is a social networking app that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It allows users to connect with like-minded people and find new friends, dates, or even soulmates. The question many have asked is whether the app requires a paid subscription or if it’s free?

The good news for those interested in using Altscene is that the basic version of the service can be used without having to pay anything at all. This includes access to profiles, messaging other members and viewing photos uploaded by others on their profile page. However, there are certain features which require payment before they can be accessed such as advanced search filters and unlimited messages per day among others .

If you decide you want more out of your experience on Altscene then there are two different types of subscriptions available: Basic ($9/month) and Premium ($19/month). Both offer additional features such as seeing who likes your profile pictures , sending gifts , being able view full size images from albums posted by other members etc., but only premium offers exclusive perks like higher visibility when searching for potential matches (higher rank than non-paying users), priority customer support response times etc.. Prices may vary depending on location so make sure you check them first before signing up!

As far as cancelling goes – this process should not take long since most services allow customers to cancel anytime via their account settings section within 24 hours after purchase date; however refunds might not always apply due its policy guidelines so please read carefully about these details beforehand just in case something changes later down the line ! All things considered do users really need a paid subscription ? Well ultimately it depends entirely upon what type of user experience one desires – some prefer sticking with basics while others enjoy taking advantage extra benefits offered through membership plans .

Help & Support

Altscene provides a range of support options for its users.
Firstly, there is an online help page which contains answers to commonly asked questions and other useful information about the site. This can be accessed by clicking on ‘Help’ at the bottom of any Altscene page. The Help section also includes contact details should you need further assistance or have specific queries that cannot be answered using this resource alone.
Secondly, it is possible to email customer service directly with any enquiries via their dedicated email address provided in the Help section – response times are usually within 24 hours depending on query volume but generally quicker than this during peak periods such as weekends and holidays when more people tend to use Altscene services simultaneously.
Finally, if your issue requires immediate attention then customers may call their toll-free number (available from 8am – 10pm GMT) where they will receive prompt advice from experienced staff members who understand how important it is for customers to get fast resolutions when needed most! Response time here tends to vary between minutes up until an hour depending upon complexity of problem being addressed so calling could prove beneficial if urgent action needs taking quickly without waiting around too long for replies through emails or webpages etc..


<!– wp:yoast/faq-block {"questions":[{"id":"faq-question-7959402527446","question":["1. Is Altscene safe?"],"answer":["Yes, AltScene is a safe platform for users to connect with others who share similar interests. The website takes security seriously and has implemented measures such as encryption technology, password protection and verification processes in order to ensure the safety of its members. All user profiles are manually reviewed by staff before being approved on the site which helps keep out any malicious or inappropriate content from appearing online. Furthermore, all personal information provided by users during registration is kept secure at all times using industry-standard protocols such as SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption technology so that it cannot be accessed without authorization from an authorized person or system administrator. AltScene also provides clear guidelines regarding acceptable behavior while using their services so that everyone can enjoy a positive experience when interacting with other members on the site"],"jsonQuestion":"1. Is Altscene safe?","jsonAnswer":"Yes, AltScene is a safe platform for users to connect with others who share similar interests. The website takes security seriously and has implemented measures such as encryption technology, password protection and verification processes in order to ensure the safety of its members. All user profiles are manually reviewed by staff before being approved on the site which helps keep out any malicious or inappropriate content from appearing online. Furthermore, all personal information provided by users during registration is kept secure at all times using industry-standard protocols such as SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption technology so that it cannot be accessed without authorization from an authorized person or system administrator. AltScene also provides clear guidelines regarding acceptable behavior while using their services so that everyone can enjoy a positive experience when interacting with other members on the site"},{"id":"faq-question-6958981125785","question":["2. Is Altscene a real dating site with real users?"],"answer":["Yes, AltScene is a real dating site with real users. It was created in 2009 and has since grown to become one of the most popular alternative dating sites on the internet. The website caters to people who are looking for like-minded individuals from all walks of life including goths, punks, emos, metalheads and skaters. Users can create profiles which include photos as well as personal information such as interests and hobbies that they would like potential partners to know about them. They can also search through other user\u2019s profiles based on their own criteria or browse through random matches if they don’t have any specific preferences in mind yet. AltScene provides an easy way for members of these subcultures to connect with each other without having to worry about being judged by mainstream society due its niche focus”],”jsonQuestion”:”2. Is Altscene a real dating site with real users?”,”jsonAnswer”:”Yes, AltScene is a real dating site with real users. It was created in 2009 and has since grown to become one of the most popular alternative dating sites on the internet. The website caters to people who are looking for like-minded individuals from all walks of life including goths, punks, emos, metalheads and skaters. Users can create profiles which include photos as well as personal information such as interests and hobbies that they would like potential partners to know about them. They can also search through other user\u2019s profiles based on their own criteria or browse through random matches if they don’t have any specific preferences in mind yet. AltScene provides an easy way for members of these subcultures to connect with each other without having to worry about being judged by mainstream society due its niche focus”},{“id”:”faq-question-3038436829604″,”question”:[“3. How to use Altscene app?”],”answer”:[“Altscene is an app that allows users to meet new people and make friends. It has a simple interface, making it easy for anyone to use. To get started with Altscene, first download the app from your device\u2019s App Store or Google Play store. Once you have downloaded the app, create an account by entering some basic information such as name and age. After creating your profile, start browsing through other user profiles in order to find potential matches who share similar interests with you. You can also join different groups on Altscene where like-minded individuals come together for discussion about various topics related to music and culture among others things.. When you find someone interesting enough whom you would like connect with further then send them a message introducing yourself! If they respond positively then feel free take things forward by having conversations over text messages or video calls if possible so that both of can know each other better before deciding whether or not want pursue something more serious between yourselves!”],”jsonQuestion”:”3. How to use Altscene app?”,”jsonAnswer”:”Altscene is an app that allows users to meet new people and make friends. It has a simple interface, making it easy for anyone to use. To get started with Altscene, first download the app from your device\u2019s App Store or Google Play store. Once you have downloaded the app, create an account by entering some basic information such as name and age. After creating your profile, start browsing through other user profiles in order to find potential matches who share similar interests with you. You can also join different groups on Altscene where like-minded individuals come together for discussion about various topics related to music and culture among others things.. When you find someone interesting enough whom you would like connect with further then send them a message introducing yourself! If they respond positively then feel free take things forward by having conversations over text messages or video calls if possible so that both of can know each other better before deciding whether or not want pursue something more serious between yourselves!”},{“id”:”faq-question-3753882750280″,”question”:[“4. Is Altscene free?”],”answer”:[“Yes, AltScene is a free dating website. It does not require any payment or subscription to use its services and features. All you need to do is create an account with your email address and start browsing through the thousands of singles on the site. You can also customize your profile according to what kind of relationship you are looking for, whether it be friendship, romance or something more casual. The website also offers various tools such as chat rooms where users can interact with each other in real time as well as private messaging so that they can get to know one another better before deciding if they want take things further offline.”],”jsonQuestion”:”4. Is Altscene free?”,”jsonAnswer”:”Yes, AltScene is a free dating website. It does not require any payment or subscription to use its services and features. All you need to do is create an account with your email address and start browsing through the thousands of singles on the site. You can also customize your profile according to what kind of relationship you are looking for, whether it be friendship, romance or something more casual. The website also offers various tools such as chat rooms where users can interact with each other in real time as well as private messaging so that they can get to know one another better before deciding if they want take things further offline.”},{“id”:”faq-question-1570737097445″,”question”:[“5. Is Altscene working and can you find someone there?”],”answer”:[“Yes, AltScene is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website provides a safe environment for people who are interested in alternative lifestyles such as gothic, punk, metal or emo music. It has an easy-to-use interface that allows users to search through profiles of likeminded individuals from all over the world. You can also create your own profile with photos and information about yourself so other members can get to know you better before deciding if they want to contact you or not. There are plenty of options available on the site including messaging systems and chat rooms which make it easier for people looking for love online connect with each other without having any awkward conversations face-to-face first!”],”jsonQuestion”:”5. Is Altscene working and can you find someone there?”,”jsonAnswer”:”Yes, AltScene is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website provides a safe environment for people who are interested in alternative lifestyles such as gothic, punk, metal or emo music. It has an easy-to-use interface that allows users to search through profiles of likeminded individuals from all over the world. You can also create your own profile with photos and information about yourself so other members can get to know you better before deciding if they want to contact you or not. There are plenty of options available on the site including messaging systems and chat rooms which make it easier for people looking for love online connect with each other without having any awkward conversations face-to-face first!”}]} –>

1. Is Altscene safe?

Yes, AltScene is a safe platform for users to connect with others who share similar interests. The website takes security seriously and has implemented measures such as encryption technology, password protection and verification processes in order to ensure the safety of its members. All user profiles are manually reviewed by staff before being approved on the site which helps keep out any malicious or inappropriate content from appearing online. Furthermore, all personal information provided by users during registration is kept secure at all times using industry-standard protocols such as SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption technology so that it cannot be accessed without authorization from an authorized person or system administrator. AltScene also provides clear guidelines regarding acceptable behavior while using their services so that everyone can enjoy a positive experience when interacting with other members on the site

2. Is Altscene a real dating site with real users?

Yes, AltScene is a real dating site with real users. It was created in 2009 and has since grown to become one of the most popular alternative dating sites on the internet. The website caters to people who are looking for like-minded individuals from all walks of life including goths, punks, emos, metalheads and skaters. Users can create profiles which include photos as well as personal information such as interests and hobbies that they would like potential partners to know about them. They can also search through other user’s profiles based on their own criteria or browse through random matches if they don’t have any specific preferences in mind yet. AltScene provides an easy way for members of these subcultures to connect with each other without having to worry about being judged by mainstream society due its niche focus

3. How to use Altscene app?

Altscene is an app that allows users to meet new people and make friends. It has a simple interface, making it easy for anyone to use. To get started with Altscene, first download the app from your device’s App Store or Google Play store. Once you have downloaded the app, create an account by entering some basic information such as name and age. After creating your profile, start browsing through other user profiles in order to find potential matches who share similar interests with you. You can also join different groups on Altscene where like-minded individuals come together for discussion about various topics related to music and culture among others things.. When you find someone interesting enough whom you would like connect with further then send them a message introducing yourself! If they respond positively then feel free take things forward by having conversations over text messages or video calls if possible so that both of can know each other better before deciding whether or not want pursue something more serious between yourselves!

4. Is Altscene free?

Yes, AltScene is a free dating website. It does not require any payment or subscription to use its services and features. All you need to do is create an account with your email address and start browsing through the thousands of singles on the site. You can also customize your profile according to what kind of relationship you are looking for, whether it be friendship, romance or something more casual. The website also offers various tools such as chat rooms where users can interact with each other in real time as well as private messaging so that they can get to know one another better before deciding if they want take things further offline.

5. Is Altscene working and can you find someone there?

Yes, AltScene is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website provides a safe environment for people who are interested in alternative lifestyles such as gothic, punk, metal or emo music. It has an easy-to-use interface that allows users to search through profiles of likeminded individuals from all over the world. You can also create your own profile with photos and information about yourself so other members can get to know you better before deciding if they want to contact you or not. There are plenty of options available on the site including messaging systems and chat rooms which make it easier for people looking for love online connect with each other without having any awkward conversations face-to-face first!


To conclude, AltScene is a great online dating app that provides users with the ability to find partners for relationships. The design and usability of the platform are excellent; it’s easy to navigate around and has an intuitive interface. Safety and security measures have been implemented on the site, including verification procedures which help ensure user safety when using this service. Additionally, there is plenty of helpful support available should any issues arise while using AltScene as well as detailed profiles so you can get a better understanding of potential matches before engaging in conversation or meeting up with them in person. All things considered, we highly recommend giving AltScene a try if you’re looking for someone special!

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Author Ava White

Ava White is a professional writer and reviewer of dating sites and apps. She has extensive experience in the online dating industry and has been writing reviews for the last five years. Ava excels in providing honest and reliable assessments of the various sites and apps out there in order to help people make informed decisions when selecting a dating service. She is passionate about helping people find the right match and takes a lot of pride in her work. When she's not writing reviews, Ava enjoys cooking, listening to music, and spending time with her family.