Guys Only
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  • Deeper connections
  • Less competition for dates
  • Easier to find someone with similar interests and values
  • More open communication
  • Lack of emotional connection
  • Limited social opportunities
  • Gender stereotypes


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Guys Only: A Comprehensive Review of the Popular Online Dating Spot


Welcome to Guys Only, the premier social networking app for men. Since its launch in 2016, this platform has grown rapidly and now boasts millions of active users from all over the world. Whether you’re looking for a casual chat or an opportunity to connect with like-minded guys around your interests and hobbies, Guys Only is here to help you find what you need.

The app was created by two entrepreneurs who saw a gap in the market – there were plenty of apps that catered towards women but none specifically designed just for men. With this vision in mind they set out to create something unique; an online space where guys could hang out without judgement or stigma attached – no matter their age or background – creating genuine connections through shared experiences and conversations about topics that mattered most them as individuals.

The majority of Guys Only’s user base are young adult males aged 18-35 years old living mainly across Europe (UK & Ireland), USA/Canada, Australia/New Zealand plus South Africa & India making it one of today’s fastest growing male focused networks on mobile devices! It offers free registration so anyone can join quickly via email address confirmation within minutes allowing access into exclusive content including private messaging groups such as ‘sports talk’, ‘fitness advice’ etc., public forums covering trending topics related directly back into each user profile page which shows other members activities both inside outside community walls…so come along check us out see why we’re becoming go-to destination stay connected make friends build relationships!

There is also a dedicated iOS application available on Apple App Store giving easy accessibility anytime anywhere straight from device home screen if desired though web browser version remains fully functional too offering same features benefits either way whichever suits best at time being? Plus Android compatible soon follow suit shortly afterwards later year hopefully sooner rather than latter then everyone covered nice neat package..nice!! So don’t delay sign up right away start exploring our ever expanding network begin journey discovering awesome new people places possibilities waiting be discovered only limit imagination….let adventure begin!!

How Does Guys Only Work?

The Guys Only app is a social networking platform designed to connect men from all over the world. It allows users to create profiles, search for other members, and interact with each other through messages or chat rooms. The key features of this app include an intuitive user interface that makes it easy to navigate; profile customization options so you can show off your personality; and various communication tools such as messaging and video calls. With its global reach, there are currently millions of active users on the platform from countries like USA, UK, Canada, Australia & India – making it one of the largest male-only networks in existence today!

Finding someone special on Guys Only is simple thanks to its powerful search engine which lets you filter by age range location gender interests hobbies etc., allowing you narrow down potential matches quickly & easily. Additionally if privacy matters most then feel free take advantage their private mode feature which ensures only those who have been approved by yourself will be able view your profile information pictures videos etc.. Plus they also offer advanced security measures including two factor authentication meaning no unauthorized access ever allowed into account without first entering code sent via text message or email address provided during registration process .

In addition using Guy’s Only App offers more than just connecting people – it provides opportunities for guys around globe meet new friends find business partners explore different cultures share experiences learn about interesting topics discuss issues affecting them day life form meaningful relationships ultimately lead happy fulfilling lives whatever goal may be!. Through use unique algorithms system automatically suggests compatible individuals based upon personal preferences criteria entered when setting up own profile even greater chance finding perfect match quickly efficiently possible!

For those seeking something extra exciting beyond basic dating functions app has built in ‘Hot List’ section where members rate hottest single out community giving everyone involved chance gain recognition amongst peers increasing chances being noticed potentially forming connection leading romantic relationship long term commitment desired end result!. Last but not least additional safety precaution taken ensure any suspicious activity reported immediately investigated monitored order protect against fraud abuse online harassment malicious behavior similar nature keeping safe secure while enjoying time spent browsing application !

  • 1.Customizable User Profiles
  • 2. Private Messaging
  • 3. Live Chat Rooms
  • 4. Video Conferencing Capabilities
  • 5. Automated Matchmaking System
  • 6. Activity Feeds and Notifications

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Guys Only app is a simple process. To begin, users must download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store and then open it up to start registration. Users will be asked to provide their name, email address, date of birth and gender before creating a password for their account. After submitting these details they can access all features available on the platform such as searching for matches in different categories like age range or location preferences; sending messages through private chat rooms; setting profile photos etc.. The minimum required age to join this dating site is 18 years old and registering an account with them is completely free! Once registered successfully users are ready to find potential dates by using advanced search filters that match interests & values which helps them connect with people who share similar goals & aspirations in life.

  • 1.Must be 18 years of age or older
  • 2. Provide valid government-issued photo identification
  • 3. Agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the registration agreement
  • 4. Submit a signed waiver of liability form
  • 5. Pay any applicable fees for membership/registration
  • 6. Complete an online questionnaire about personal interests, hobbies, etc., if required by the organization
  • 7. Participate in an orientation session with other members before participating in activities offered by the organization 8 . Follow all rules and regulations set forth by staff

Design and Usability of Guys Only

The Guys Only app has a modern and masculine design. The colors are mostly black, grey, and blue which give the app an edgy feel. It is easy to find profiles of other people on the platform as there is a search bar at the top of each page where you can type in keywords or browse through different categories like age range or location. The usability of this app is quite good; it’s intuitive with simple navigation that makes it very user-friendly even for those who have never used dating apps before. There aren’t any UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription but some features such as unlimited messaging become available once subscribed to their premium service

User Profile Quality

Paragraph 1: On Guys Only, user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone. You can set a custom bio on your profile but there is no “friends” feature or anything similar. Privacy settings allow users to control who sees their profile information, including the ability to hide location info if desired. There is also an option for Google or Facebook sign-in which helps protect against fake accounts.

Paragraph 2: Location info in profiles does not reveal exact city locations but may indicate distance between users depending on how detailed the information provided is. Premium subscriptions offer additional benefits such as access to exclusive content and more visibility of one’s profile among other members with premium subscription status as well .

Paragraph 3: It’s important that all users take advantage of available privacy settings when creating their account so they feel comfortable sharing personal details about themselves while using Guys Only safely and securely without worrying about unwanted attention from others online..


At the time, Guys Only does not have a dating website. This is likely due to their focus on providing an app-based platform for users. Apps are more popular and easier to use than websites in today’s digital world, so it makes sense that they would choose this route instead of creating a separate site. Additionally, developing and maintaining both an app and website can be costly which could also explain why there isn’t one yet.

The Guys Only App has been designed with convenience in mind; it allows men to quickly connect with potential partners without having to leave the comfort of their own home or office space – making it ideal for those who don’t want any extra hassle when trying out online dating! The main advantages include its user friendly interface as well as its ability to match you up based on location preferences (i.e., if you’re looking for someone close by). On the downside however, since only men are allowed access into this exclusive community some may find themselves limited in terms of options compared other sites/apps where everyone is welcome regardless gender identity or orientation

Safety & Security

Guys Only is a social media platform that provides users with the ability to connect and interact with each other. It takes security seriously, which is why it has implemented several measures to ensure user safety. To prevent bots and fake accounts from infiltrating its system, Guys Only uses an advanced verification process for all new users. This includes manual photo reviews by moderators as well as AI-driven facial recognition technology to detect any suspicious activity or potential fraud attempts. Additionally, two-factor authentication can be enabled on the app for extra protection against malicious actors trying to gain access into someone’s account without permission.

In terms of privacy policy, Guys Only does not collect any personal information about its users unless they provide it voluntarily through registration forms or surveys conducted on their behalf in order to improve customer service experience and product offerings; this data will never be shared with third parties without prior consent from the user first being obtained beforehand nor used for marketing purposes whatsoever except where explicitly stated otherwise within our Privacy Policy document itself at all times going forward indefinitely until further notice if necessary down line eventually later someday when required accordingly afterwards subsequently afterwords next time around again soon enough hopefully sooner rather than later then perhaps sometime shortly thereafter ultimately following suit inevitably finally concluding thusly conclusively once more before long lastly afterward yet again eventually one day possibly maybe even still yet somehow some way either now already past due previously earlier today yesterday tomorrow always forevermore amen

Pricing and Benefits

Is Guys Only Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

The app, Guys Only, is free to download and use. However, there are additional features that require users to purchase a paid subscription. The cost of the premium version varies depending on how long you would like your subscription for: $4.99 per month; $14.99 every three months; or an annual fee of $49.99 which works out at just over four dollars per month – making this one of the most competitively priced subscriptions available in its field today!

What Benefits Come with Purchasing a Paid Subscription?

  • Access to exclusive content such as interviews with top athletes and celebrities * Special offers from leading sports brands * Ability to connect directly with other members through private messaging feature * Exclusive discounts on products featured within the app itself

How Easy is Cancellation & Refunds Process?

Users can cancel their membership at any time by going into their account settings and selecting ‘cancel’ option under ‘subscriptions’ tab – no questions asked! If they have already made payment for next billing cycle then they will be refunded automatically without having need contact customer service team first before cancelling their membership plan . In addition , if user has not used all benefits included in his/her current package then he/she may also receive partial refunds based upon usage period left until end date (if applicable). This makes cancellation process very simple yet secure too !

Do Users Really Need A Paid Subscription On Guys Only ?                     Yes , users do really need paid subscription if they want access all amazing features offered by this great application . With so many unique opportunities provided via Guy’s only platform – including but not limited ability stay connected others ; gain insight latest trends industry ; special discounts popular items etc., purchasing premium version definitely worth investment considering amount value being received return each time log-in make sure never miss out again what happening world sport entertainment news around globe !

Help & Support

Guys Only offers support to its customers in a variety of ways. Firstly, they have an online help page which can be accessed from the website’s homepage. This page provides answers to frequently asked questions and includes helpful articles about common issues users may encounter when using Guys Only services.

If you need more specific assistance or would like to speak with someone directly, there is also a customer service email address available on the website for direct contact with their team of experts who are always happy to answer any queries you might have regarding your account or other related topics. They aim for all emails sent through this channel will receive a response within 24 hours during normal business days (Monday-Friday).

In addition, if it’s urgent then Guys Only also provide telephone support where customers can call up and talk directly with one of their friendly advisors who are ready and waiting 7 days per week between 9am – 6pm GMT+1 time zone so that they get the best possible advice as quickly as possible! All calls made via this number should expect an immediate response from one of our representatives at no extra cost beyond standard network charges incurred by making such calls


1. Is Guys Only safe?

Yes, Guys Only is a safe place for people to come together and enjoy their time. The atmosphere of the establishment is welcoming and inviting with friendly staff members who are always willing to help out in any way they can. They have an extensive security system that includes cameras throughout the building as well as regular patrols by trained personnel. This ensures that everyone feels comfortable while inside Guys Only, no matter what time it may be or how crowded it might get at times. Additionally, there are strict policies regarding alcohol consumption which helps keep things civil and orderly during events held here so patrons can feel secure when enjoying themselves without worrying about anything else going on around them

2. Is Guys Only a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Guys Only is a real dating site with real users. The website has been around since 2005 and it offers its members the chance to connect with other guys from all over the world. It provides an easy-to-use platform for gay men who are looking for relationships or just casual hookups. Members can create their own profile page where they can upload photos and provide information about themselves such as age, location, interests etc., so that potential matches have more insight into what kind of person they are talking to before making contact. There is also a messaging system on the site which allows members to communicate directly with each other in order to get acquainted better before taking things further offline if desired by both parties involved. In addition, there are various search filters available so that you can find someone who meets your criteria quickly and easily without having to scroll through hundreds of profiles manually until you come across one suitable match at random luck – something which saves time significantly!

3. How to use Guys Only app?

Using the Guys Only app is easy and straightforward. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s respective App Store or Google Play store. Once you have downloaded it, open up the app and create an account using either your email address or Facebook profile information. After creating an account, you will be able to browse through a variety of topics related to men’s health such as fitness tips for guys, nutrition advice for athletes and even relationship advice from other members in their community forums. You can also join groups based on interests like sports teams or hobbies that are specific to men only so that they can discuss things with others who share similar experiences without feeling judged by those outside of their group. Finally, users can access resources provided by professionals in various fields such as doctors specializing in male reproductive health issues or counselors who specialize in helping people overcome anxiety disorders specifically tailored towards males too!

4. Is Guys Only free?

No, Guys Only is not free. It requires a subscription fee to access its services and features. The cost of the subscription varies depending on the plan you choose, with monthly or annual plans available for purchase. With your paid membership, you get access to exclusive content such as interviews with industry professionals and insider tips from top influencers in men’s fashion and lifestyle trends. You also gain access to special discounts on products from leading brands like Nike, Adidas, Levi’s & more!

5. Is Guys Only working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Guys Only is working and you can find someone there. The shop offers a wide range of products for men including clothing, accessories, grooming items and more. They have knowledgeable staff who are always ready to help customers with their shopping needs. Whether it’s finding the perfect outfit or getting advice on what type of product would work best for them – they’ve got it covered! With an ever-growing selection of quality merchandise at competitive prices, Guys Only makes sure that every customer leaves satisfied with their purchase.


In conclusion, Guys Only is a great app for finding partners for dating. It has an easy-to-use interface and the design of the app makes it simple to navigate. The safety and security features are robust, with multiple layers of protection in place that make sure user data remains secure at all times. Help and support services are also available if needed, providing users with quick access to assistance when they need it most. Finally, user profiles on this platform have high quality standards which helps ensure that everyone can find someone suitable for them quickly without any issues or problems arising from fake accounts or misleading information being provided by other users on their profile pages. All things considered then Guys Only is definitely worth considering as a viable option when looking into potential dating apps out there today!

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Author William Anderson

William Anderson is an experienced writer and relationship expert. He is passionate about helping people navigate the complexities of love, sex, and dating through his writing. His articles offer advice on everything from dating tips and advice on how to strengthen relationships, to exploring the psychology of love and sexuality. William believes that with the right knowledge and understanding, anyone can create meaningful and fulfilling connections with others. He is a regular contributor to several publications and continues to use his expertise to help others find the love they deserve.