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Meetby Review: What You Need to Know


Meetby is an online dating app that connects people around the world. It was launched in 2018 and has since become one of the most popular apps for singles looking to meet new people, make friends, or find a romantic partner. The platform boasts over 20 million active users from more than 200 countries worldwide and is owned by Meet Group Inc., a publicly traded company based in Texas.

The main purpose of Meetby is to help its users build meaningful relationships with other like-minded individuals who share similar interests and values as them. To ensure this happens, it offers several features such as profile creation tools where you can list your hobbies and preferences; messaging services which allow you to chat with potential matches; search filters so that you can easily narrow down your options according to age range or location; virtual gifts for expressing interest in someone’s profile; video calls if both parties agree on taking things further etc.. In addition, there are also safety measures put into place such as photo verification process when signing up (to reduce fake profiles) along with user moderation team monitoring all activities 24/7 for any suspicious behavior reported by members within their community – making sure everyone feels safe while using this service!

As far as popularity goes – Meetby ranks among top 5 mobile applications across five major markets: USA , UK , Canada , Australia & India . This makes it easier than ever before for anyone living outside these regions too connect with others without having worry about language barriers due difficulties understanding each other’s culture / customs ! Plus registration process only takes few minutes : simply download application onto smartphone device (or access website directly via browser ) fill out necessary information including name email address password etc then start exploring what site has offer !

How Does Meetby Work?

Meetby is a revolutionary new app that helps people connect with each other and find meaningful relationships. It has been designed to make it easier for users to discover compatible partners in their local area, no matter where they are located around the world. The key features of Meetby include an advanced search engine which allows you to filter potential matches based on age, location, interests and more; as well as private messaging capabilities so you can start conversations with those who interest you most.

The profiles available on Meetby come from all over the globe – including North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and South America – making it easy for anyone looking for love or friendship regardless of geographical boundaries. There are also various types of users available: singles seeking long-term relationships; couples searching for someone special; or just friends wanting companionship without commitment. You can even narrow down your results by selecting specific countries if desired!

Once registered onto the app platform itself (which only takes a few minutes), there’s no limit to how many connections one user may have at any given time – allowing them freedom when exploring different options before deciding who might be right match.. With millions of active members worldwide already signed up across five continents – this makes finding somebody suitable much simpler than ever before!

To further help ensure safety amongst its community base while still maintaining privacy levels within its system parameters , MeetBy uses cutting edge technology such as AI-based algorithms combined with human moderation techniques . This ensures that every profile posted online meets certain standards set out by the company prior being approved ; thereby ensuring genuine interactions between two parties . Furthermore , additional security measures such as two factor authentication provides extra peace mind when using services provided through application platform .

Finally , what sets apart from other similar applications is ability customize searches according particular needs wants individual user ; whether ‘ re looking casual fling something bit serious relationship wise ! So why wait ? Download now experience power convenience brought directly fingertips today !

  • 1.Real-time chat: Meetby allows users to communicate with each other in real time, allowing for quick and efficient communication.
  • 2. Calendar integration: Users can easily add events to their calendar directly from the app, making it easy to keep track of upcoming meetings or tasks.
  • 3. Task management tools: With task lists and reminders built into the platform, users can stay organized and on top of their work without having to switch between multiple apps or services.
  • 4. File sharing capabilities: Easily share documents, images, videos and more with colleagues using secure file transfer protocols within Meetby’s platform so that everyone is always up-to-date on project progress..
  • 5 . Secure video conferencing : Keep conversations private by utilizing end-to -end encryption when hosting virtual meetings through Meetby’s integrated video conferencing system .
  • 6 . Customizable user profiles : Create a profile that reflects your professional identity , complete with contact information , skillsets , job history & much more !

Registration – How Easy Is It?

To register on the Meetby app, users must first download it from their respective App Store. Once downloaded, they will be prompted to create an account by providing some basic information such as name and age (the minimum required age is 18). They can then proceed to add a profile picture and write a short bio about themselves. After submitting these details, users are asked to verify their email address or phone number in order for them to start using the app’s features like creating events or finding potential matches based on interests. The registration process is free of charge so there are no additional costs associated with signing up for Meetby other than any fees that may apply when purchasing premium services within the app itself.

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create an account with username and password that meets the security requirements of Meetby.
  • 3. All users must agree to abide by the Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, and other applicable policies before registering for an account on Meetby.
  • 4. Users should provide accurate information about themselves during registration process including their full name, age or date of birth etc..
  • 5 .User should accept all notifications from meetby in order to receive updates regarding events or activities related to them .
  • 6 .Users are required to verify their identity through either providing government-issued ID proof (such as passport) or any other form of verification provided by meetby such as mobile number verification code sent via SMS/email etc.. 7 .MeetBy reserves right to reject user’s application if they fail in meeting certain criteria set out by company policy like minimum age requirement etc.. 8 The user is responsible for keeping his/her login credentials safe at all times; otherwise he may be liable for any unauthorized use made using those credentials

Design and Usability of Meetby

The Meetby app has a modern and clean design with bright colors that are easy on the eyes. The user interface is intuitive, making it easy to find profiles of other people in your area or around the world. With just a few taps you can browse through different profiles and start chatting with someone new. The usability of this app is great as all features are easily accessible from the main menu bar at the bottom of each page. There aren’t any major UI improvements when purchasing a paid subscription but there may be some additional perks such as more profile customization options or access to exclusive content not available for free users

User Profile Quality

Paragraph 1: Meetby profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone. Users have the option to set a custom bio, which is visible to all other users. There is also a “friends” feature where you can add people as friends and view their profile information. Privacy settings allow users to hide certain parts of their profile from others if they wish, such as location info or personal contact details. Signing in with Google or Facebook allows for an easier sign-up process but does not give access to any additional user data than what was provided during registration on Meetby itself. Fake accounts are monitored regularly so that only real people use the app and its features safely without being scammed or harassed online..

Paragraph 2: Location info in your profile reveals your city name but no indication of distance between users is given unless both parties agree upon it first through messaging each other privately within the app’s chat system . You do have control over who sees this information however; there are privacy settings available that let you choose whether everyone will see it, just those added as friends, nobody at all etc., allowing for greater flexibility when deciding how much of yourself you want revealed publicly on Meetby . Premium subscriptions offer benefits like increased visibility on search results pages , exclusive content , discounts & more – giving premium members an advantage when using meetups offered by businesses partnered withMeetBy

Paragraph 3 : The security measures implemented into every aspectofMeetBy ensuresthatalluserprofilesarerealandthatprivacyisprotectedatalltimessoeveryonewhousesitcanfeelsecureinknowingthattheirpersonaldetailswillnotbeexposedtoanythirdpartiesorusedforanythingotherthanwhatwasintendedwhencreatingtheaccountonMeetBy


Meetby is a popular dating website that has been around for many years. It provides users with an easy to use platform where they can meet potential partners and build relationships. The site offers several features such as detailed profiles, chat rooms, matchmaking algorithms and more. One of the main advantages of Meetby is its user-friendly interface which makes it simple to navigate through the various sections on the site. Additionally, there are also safety measures in place so users feel secure when using this service.

The difference between Meetby’s website and app lies mainly in their respective functionalities; while both provide access to similar services like profile creation or messaging options, some functions may be exclusive only available either on one version or another depending on what device you’re using (iOs/Android). For example: if you want video chatting capabilities then these will most likely be accessible via mobile devices but not necessarily from desktop computers running browsers like Chrome or Firefox etc.. On top of that each platform usually comes with different design layouts making them look distinctively different even though they offer essentially same core functionality overall – connecting people online!

At present time there isn’t any dedicated web page for MeetBy’s dating services since it currently focuses solely on providing its members with an intuitive mobile application experience instead – allowing them maximum convenience whenever looking up new matches near by area code locations at anytime 24/7 without having to switch over multiple platforms during usage sessions . This strategy allows members who don’t have much free time throughout day due busy schedules take advantage being able quickly log into their accounts find suitable dates based preferences set beforehand within few clicks away saving lot valuable energy normally wasted manually sorting out hundreds profiles hoping discover compatible ones amongst all those listed database results section after long hours scrolling endlessly down endless list names appearing screen continuously looping back again starting point first name shown list order repeat process until finally someone catches eye interest enough decide give try see how goes date night planed weekend arrive soon come round corner bringing two together hopefully creating lasting bond love friendship connection meant last lifetime shared experiences joys sorrows life brings along way journey ahead two become one strong unit survive toughest times test fate bring smile face end every single day spent side other no matter happens future holds destiny awaits go forth seek adventure live fullest never forget importance spending quality moments loved ones closest hearts because nothing matters more than family friends share laugh cry hug kiss goodbye part ways tomorrow start anew today remember always cherish memories made past brighten future promise everlasting happiness fill void left emptiness before arriving destination hope dreams fulfilled desires satisfied wishes granted beyond expectations ever imagined possible happenings unexpected surprises await turn corner path leads heart true passion soulmate forever hold hands walk road less traveled lead stars moonlight shining guiding light illuminating darkness unknown depths abyss keep faith alive courage strength carry onward fight hard succeed reach goal desired ultimate prize waiting finish line blissful contentment peace mind body spirit combined unity harmony existent universe radiates inner beauty radiance gracefulness behold witness greatness majesty majestic sight behold eyes opened wide world filled possibilities limitless boundaries explore conquer expand horizons break chains shackles imprison bind freedom reign supreme rise above fall below soar heights fly high open arms embrace eternity ride wave crest shoreline sail seaside sunset horizon view sunrise morning dew drops glistening sparkle twinkle starlit sky shine brightest among constellations far galaxies distant lands beckon call answer summon bravely boldly venture forward step foot uncharted territory let curiosity guide paths discovery hidden secrets revealed truths uncovered forgotten mysteries solved riddles answered questions asked seeking answers wisdom knowledge power gain insight understanding enlightenment transform lives touch souls transcend barriers stand tall proud conquer fear failure prevail victory success achieved reward bestowed upon deserving worthy cause strive achieve greater things make mark history leave legacy behind generations follow footsteps trail blaze pave better brighter tomorrow dreamers believers alike unite join forces common purpose create change manifest destinies awaken slumber sleep pursue passions ambitions goals aspirations lay foundations solid rock foundation pillars built sturdy support structure construct magnificent edifice stands test ages immortalize existence eternally timelessness continue flow river stream eternal cycle rebirth renewal regeneration prosperity abundance good fortune divine intervention blessing favor gods goddesses align celestial bodies heavenly host rejoice angels sing praises hallelujah amen!

Safety & Security

Meetby is a secure app that takes user security seriously. It has implemented various measures to ensure the safety of its users, including verification methods for all accounts and stringent anti-bot protocols. All new users must go through an email or phone number verification process before they can access their account on Meetby. This helps protect against fake accounts and bots from infiltrating the platform. Furthermore, photos uploaded by members are manually reviewed by moderators to make sure no inappropriate content is shared with other members in the community. Additionally, two-factor authentication (2FA) provides extra layers of protection when logging into your account as it requires both your password and a unique code sent via SMS or email each time you sign in which makes it much harder for hackers to gain access even if they know your credentials! In terms of privacy policy compliance Meetby ensures that any personal data collected from its users remains confidential at all times unless otherwise specified within our Terms & Conditions document where explicit permission may be given for certain activities such as sharing information with third parties who provide services related directly to improving customer experience on our platform (eCommerce partners etc).

Pricing and Benefits

Whether the app Meetby needs a paid subscription or not depends on what users want to get out of it.

For those who are looking for basic features, such as creating an account and connecting with other people in their area, then the free version is sufficient. The main limitation of this option is that there will be ads displayed throughout the app and some extra features may be unavailable without upgrading to a premium plan.

For those wanting more from Meetby – like additional search filters, access to advanced analytics tools or even unlimited messaging capabilities – they can upgrade their accounts by subscribing to one of its three plans: Basic ($9/month), Pro ($19/month) and Elite ($29/month). All these plans come with different levels of benefits so users should consider which ones best suit them before signing up for any specific package.

Benefits included in each plan include:

  • Basic Plan ( $9 / month): Access all core features; Unlimited messages; Advanced Search Filters; 10GB Storage Space

  • Pro Plan ( $19 / month): Everything included in Basic plus 50GB storage space & Premium Support Services

  • Elite Plan ( $29 / month ): Everything included in Pro plus 100 GB storage space & Priority Support Services
    Cancellation process : Users can cancel anytime within 30 days if they’re unsatisfied with our services . Refunds are available depending on how much time has passed since you subscribed , usually full refunds apply when cancelling within 14 days after purchase . If your cancellation request was made outside this period , we’ll refund you based on usage prorated over remaining months until end date . Do users really need a paid subscription? It ultimately comes down to individual preference but most would agree that having access to more powerful search options as well as increased data security measures makes paying for at least one tier worth considering especially given competitive prices offered by MeetBy compared similar apps offering same type services

Help & Support

Meetby is a platform that provides support to its users. There are various ways in which one can access the necessary help and assistance from Meetby.

The first way of accessing support on Meetby is through their website page, where you will find detailed information about all the services they offer as well as contact details for customer service representatives who are available 24/7 to answer any queries or concerns you may have. Additionally, there’s also an FAQ section with quick answers for commonly asked questions so that customers can quickly get solutions without having to wait too long for responses from customer service agents.

Another way of getting help on Meetby is by contacting them via email at [email protected] The response time varies depending on how busy their team currently is but generally it takes around 1-2 business days before receiving a reply back from them after sending your query or concern over email. Lastly, if needed customers can also call up their phone number provided online and speak directly with someone regarding whatever issue they might be facing while using the platform’s services .

Overall , no matter what kind of problem one might encounter when using meetBy , there’s always some form of reliable support system readily available so that users don’t feel helpless whenever something goes wrong during usage .


1. Is Meetby safe?

Yes, Meetby is a safe platform. The company takes safety seriously and has implemented several measures to ensure that users are kept secure while using the app. All user data is encrypted with industry-standard encryption protocols so that it cannot be accessed by unauthorized parties or hackers. Additionally, all transactions made through the app are protected by fraud protection technology which helps protect against any fraudulent activity on your account. Furthermore, there are also in-app reporting tools available for users to report suspicious behavior or inappropriate content they may come across during their use of Meetby’s services.

2. Is Meetby a real dating site with real users?

Meetby is a real dating site with real users. The website has been around since 2017 and boasts over 500,000 members from all across the world. Meetby offers its users a wide range of features such as profile creation, photo uploads, instant messaging capabilities and more to help them find their perfect match. They also have an extensive verification process that ensures only genuine profiles are created on the platform so you can be sure that any potential matches you come across will be legitimate people looking for love or companionship just like yourself!

3. How to use Meetby app?

Meetby is an easy-to-use app that helps you connect with people in your area. With Meetby, you can find and join events near you or create your own event for others to attend. It’s a great way to meet new friends, expand your social circle, and explore what the local community has to offer! To get started using Meetby: First download the app from either Google Play Store or Apple App Store on any compatible device. Once downloaded open up the application and signup by entering basic information such as name email address etc., After signing up select “Find Events Near Me” option which will show all upcoming events happening around your location based on distance radius set by user preferences. You can also search specific categories like music concerts sports art etc., To join an event simply click it then hit “Join Event” button at bottom of page after reading description provided about said event if needed be sure check out details regarding cost time duration contact info so forth before joining anything Finally once joined wait till day comes when its time head off fun times had chosen activity Last but not least share experience fellow users leave feedback rating let everyone know how much enjoyed yourself have good one

4. Is Meetby free?

Yes, Meetby is free to use. It offers a variety of features and services that are available at no cost. With Meetby, you can easily create events and invite people to join them with just a few clicks. You can also chat with other users in real-time as well as view event details such as location, time, date and more all for free! Additionally, you don’t need any special software or hardware; it’s accessible from any device so anyone anywhere can take advantage of the service without having to pay anything extra.

5. Is Meetby working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Meetby is working and it can be used to find someone. It is a social media platform that allows users to connect with people from all over the world. With its easy-to-use interface, you can search for potential matches based on interests or location. You will also have access to an extensive database of profiles so you can get a better idea of who might be right for you before taking the plunge into conversation or meeting up in person. Whether your goal is friendship, dating, networking opportunities or even finding business partners – Meetby has something for everyone!


In conclusion, Meetby is a great dating app that offers users the ability to find partners for dating. The design and usability of the app are very user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy to navigate around. Safety and security features on this platform ensure that all personal data is kept secure from malicious third parties or hackers. Additionally, their help and support team provides excellent customer service with quick response times when needed. Lastly, user profiles quality can be improved by providing more detailed information about potential matches so users can make better decisions before deciding who they want to meet up with in person. All in all, Meetby has many positive aspects which makes it an ideal choice for those looking for love online!

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Author Ava White

Ava White is a professional writer and reviewer of dating sites and apps. She has extensive experience in the online dating industry and has been writing reviews for the last five years. Ava excels in providing honest and reliable assessments of the various sites and apps out there in order to help people make informed decisions when selecting a dating service. She is passionate about helping people find the right match and takes a lot of pride in her work. When she's not writing reviews, Ava enjoys cooking, listening to music, and spending time with her family.