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Jack’d – A Comprehensive Review


Jack’d is a social networking app that connects people with similar interests. It was launched in 2010 and has since become one of the most popular dating apps for gay, bi-sexual, transgendered and queer individuals. The app allows users to connect with others based on their location or shared interests through private messaging or public chat rooms. Jack’d boasts over 5 million active users from all around the world who are looking to make new friends, find dates or even just have some fun conversations online.

The platform is owned by Online Buddies Inc., an American company founded in 2001 which also owns other dating sites such as Manhunt and Gaydar Radio among many others. According to recent statistics, Jack’d’s popularity can be seen particularly high across five countries: United States (with 1 million+ monthly active users), Brazil (500k+ MAU), France (200K+ MAU) Mexico(100K +MAU) ,and Colombia(50 K +MAU). This makes it one of the leading LGBT friendly platforms available today!

Fortunately for its user base, Jack’d offers free access along with premium subscription plans if you want more features like advanced search filters etc.. The mobile version of this platform is available both on iOS & Android devices making it easier than ever before for anyone wanting to join this community! All you need do register yourself as a user using your email address after which you will receive confirmation via text message containing your login details within minutes – allowing easy access into what could potentially be life changing experience!

How Does Jack’d Work?

Jack’d is a popular dating app that allows users to connect with other people around the world. It provides an easy way for individuals to find potential matches and start conversations in just a few clicks. The app offers several features, including profile creation, messaging capabilities, and photo sharing options. Users can also search for profiles based on location or interests using keywords such as “gay” or “lesbian” if they wish to narrow down their search results further. Jack’d has over 3 million active members from more than 180 countries worldwide; some of its most prominent user bases are located in the United States (over 1 million), Canada (over 500 thousand), Australia (over 200 thousand) , France (nearly 100 thousand) and Germany(around 50 Thousand).

When signing up for Jack’d you will be asked questions about your gender identity so that it can match you with compatible partners who share similar backgrounds and preferences as yourself . You’ll then have access to all sorts of interesting features like creating detailed personal profiles where you can upload photos along with basic information such as age range, ethnicity/race preference etc., which makes it easier for others looking through your profile page get an idea about what kind of person you are before deciding whether or not they want contact them directly via private messages.. Additionally there’s also advanced filters available allowing users filter out those whom don’t meet certain criteria when searching through hundreds thousands of other member’s pages – making finding exactly what one desires much faster & simpler!

Once logged into Jack’d platform each user gets access his own dashboard filled useful tools helping him manage his account better by viewing activity logs showing recent likes & visits he received from others plus keeping track how many times was contacted within past week/monthly period etc… Furthermore while browsing through different profiles one may add favorite contacts list enabling quick communication between two parties without having remember long usernames every time message sent back forth – something very convenient especially those actively engaging multiple conversations at same time!

Apart chatting privately members may join various public chat rooms either dedicated particular topic interest e-g LGBT rights activism group discussion related music events taking place nearby city create custom room inviting friends only thus preventing unwanted guests entering conversation even blocking any individual causing disruption during discussions itself!. Lastly but certainly not least after downloading free version mobile application iOS Android devices become part growing community almost instantaneously no matter whereabouts currently situated world thanks wide variety local servers scattered across globe ensuring connection remains stable secure regardless distance separating two endpoints involved transaction made possible due special encryption protocols implemented prevent malicious third party intrusions data breaches happening first place !

  • 1.Live Video Chat: Allows users to connect with each other in real-time.
  • 2. Group Chats: Connect and chat with multiple people at once.
  • 3. Location-Based Matching: Find nearby matches based on your current location or any desired location you set for yourself within the app’s settings menu.
  • 4. Photo Verification System: A secure way of verifying user profiles, ensuring that all members are who they say they are online before connecting them with others through Jack’d services and features..
  • 5 . Push Notifications & Alerts : Receive notifications when someone has sent a message, liked your profile, or viewed yours so you can stay connected even while away from the app itself!
  • 6 . Private Album Sharing : Share private photos securely between friends without having to worry about anyone else seeing them!

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Jack’d app is a straightforward process. To begin, users must download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store and then open it to start registration. The first step requires providing an email address, username and password for creating an account with Jack’d. After that, users will be asked to provide some personal information such as their gender identity (male/female), age (18+ years old) , location and ethnicity . Once all of this information has been provided correctly by the user they can submit their details in order to create their profile on Jack’d dating platform . Once registered successfully , users are free explore different features available within the application like searching for potential matches based upon preferences set up during registration stage ; sending messages; sharing photos etc.. It’s completely free of cost register yourself with Jack’d but you need minimum 18 years age in order use its services legally according law regulations worldwide

  • 1.Users must be at least 18 years of age.
  • 2. All users must provide a valid email address and phone number for verification purposes.
  • 3. Each user is required to create a unique username and password combination that meets the security requirements set by Jack’d, including complexity, length, etc..
  • 4. A profile photo is mandatory in order to use certain features on the app such as messaging or searching other profiles; this photo should not contain any nudity or offensive material according to Jack’d guidelines .
  • 5. Location services are enabled when using Jack’d so users can find nearby matches; however they have an option to turn off location tracking if desired .
  • 6. All personal information provided during registration will remain confidential unless otherwise specified by law enforcement requests with appropriate legal documentation presented beforehand . 7) User accounts may be suspended or deleted without warning if it violates any terms & conditions set forth by the company (e g spamming/harassment). 8) Upon completion of registration process each user agrees abide all applicable laws related usage of service

Design and Usability of Jack’d

The Jack’d app has a modern design with bold colors and easy-to-navigate menus. The main page is filled with profile pictures of potential matches, making it easy to find someone who interests you. You can also filter your search by age, location or other criteria for more specific results. Usability wise, the app is straightforward and intuitive; all features are easily accessible from the home screen menu bar at the bottom of each page. With a paid subscription users get access to additional features such as unlimited messaging capabilities which further enhance usability on this platform.

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on Jack’d is generally good. All profiles are public, so anyone can view them and see the information that users choose to share. Users have the option of setting a custom bio, which allows for more detailed descriptions than what would be available in other dating apps. There is also a “friends” feature or something similar where you can add people as friends instead of just potential dates.

Privacy settings are available to users with options such as hiding their location info from others if they wish to do so; however it does reveal your city by default unless changed manually within the app settings. The distance between two users isn’t indicated but there may be some benefits for those who upgrade their subscription plan – such as being able to filter out fake accounts and seeing who has viewed your profile recently among other features .

In terms of privacy protection, Jack’d offers various safety measures including Google or Facebook sign-in options which helps verify identities and reduce chances of fake accounts appearing on its platform – though these cannot always guarantee 100% accuracy when it comes down weeding out fraudulent activity altogether.. Location data collected through GPS tracking technology is used solely within this application only , meaning any personal details shared will not leave its walls without user consent firstly given beforehand


Jack’d is a popular dating app that allows users to meet and chat with other singles in their area. The site has many advantages, such as the ability to search for potential matches based on location, age range, interests and more. Additionally, Jack’d also offers various features like photo sharing and messaging capabilities so users can easily connect with each other. However, there are some drawbacks associated with using this platform; it does not have an extensive list of safety measures or any type of customer service support system available if something goes wrong while using the app.

At present time Jack’d does not offer a dedicated website version but instead focuses solely on its mobile application which can be downloaded from both Apple App Store & Google Play Store platforms free-of-charge (with optional premium subscription). This approach eliminates all compatibility issues between different operating systems since everyone will be able to access the same content regardless of device they use – plus makes sure user experience remains consistent across multiple devices/platforms without sacrificing performance or reliability due too frequent updates required by websites usually require additional resources which may lead them become slow over time compared apps that only need occasional maintenance at most times throughout year(s).

Safety & Security

Jack’d is a popular dating app that takes security and privacy seriously. It offers various verification methods to ensure users are real people, such as verifying phone numbers or using photo identification documents. Jack’d also has an AI-powered system in place to detect bots and fake accounts by analyzing user behavior on the platform. Photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed for any suspicious content before they can be published publicly on the app. Additionally, Jack’d provides two-factor authentication which adds another layer of protection against unauthorized access attempts into your account with additional information required after entering your username/password combination correctly. The privacy policy at Jack’d ensures all personal data collected from its customers remains secure and confidential; it does not share this data with third parties unless necessary for providing services requested by customers or when legally obligated to do so under applicable laws & regulations . All customer payment details remain encrypted during transmission over networks ensuring their safety from potential malicious activities like identity theft or frauds

Pricing and Benefits

Jack’d is a popular dating app that offers users the ability to connect with other people in their area. The basic version of Jack’d is free, but there are also paid subscription options available for those who want additional features and benefits.

The paid subscriptions come in two tiers: Plus ($9.99/month) and Pro ($19.99/month). With either option, users get access to unlimited swipes, view up to 600 profiles at once instead of 100 on the free version, use advanced filters when searching for potential matches (age range & distance), see who has liked them before they decide whether or not they like them back; as well as an ad-free experience without any popups or banners interrupting your browsing session while using Jack’d’s services.

The prices offered by Jack’d seem competitive compared to similar apps offering premium memberships such as Tinder Gold which costs $14.99 per month – so if you’re looking for value then this could be worth considering! Additionally, all plans offer flexible cancellation policies where customers can cancel anytime during their billing cycle and receive a full refund within 30 days after cancelling their subscription – making it easy for anyone wanting out early from paying too much money upfront if needed!

Overall though do users really need a paid subscription? Well ultimately it depends on how often you plan on using the service – If you’re just casually dipping into online dating then maybe not but if you find yourself regularly spending time chatting with potential dates then investing in one of these plans may make sense given all its extra features plus saving some cash over competitors’ offerings at same time!

Help & Support

Jack’d is a social networking app that allows users to connect with each other. It provides various features such as chat, messaging, and photo sharing. As with any service or product there may be times when you need support from Jack’d in order to get the most out of your experience on the platform.

The first way you can access support on Jack’d is by visiting their Help Center page which contains answers to frequently asked questions about using the app and its services. This includes topics such as account management, payment issues, reporting problems etc., so it’s worth checking this page if you have an issue before contacting customer service directly for help resolving it more quickly than waiting for a response via email or phone call.. Additionally they also provide links at the bottom of every page where customers can submit feedback or report bugs/issues they encounter while using Jack’d – these are monitored regularly by their team who will respond within 24 hours (usually much sooner).

If none of those options resolve your problem then customers can contact customer service either through email ([email protected])or telephone (+1-855-753-2535) – both methods usually receive responses within 1 business day but depending on how busy they are could take longer; however once contacted one of their agents should be able to assist in solving whatever issue(s) you’re having promptly & efficiently!


1. Is Jack’d safe?

The safety of using Jack’d is ultimately up to the user. As with any online platform, users should exercise caution when interacting with other members and be aware that not everyone on the app may have good intentions. It’s important for users to protect their personal information by avoiding giving out sensitive details such as full name, address or phone number in conversations or profile information. Additionally, it’s a good idea to report suspicious activity if you feel someone might be trying to scam you in some way. While there are measures taken by Jack’d staff like moderating content and banning inappropriate behavior from being posted on the site/app, it’s still wise for individuals who use this service to take extra precautions while engaging with others online so they can remain safe during their interactions

2. Is Jack’d a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Jack’d is a real dating site with real users. It was launched in 2010 and has since become one of the most popular gay social networking apps on the market. The app allows its users to connect with other men from around the world for friendship, dating or more serious relationships depending on what they are looking for. On Jack’d you can search through profiles based on your own criteria such as age range, location and interests; send messages directly to other members; view photos posted by others; join chat rooms where conversations about any topic imaginable take place daily – all these features help make it easier than ever before to meet someone special online who shares similar values and interests as yourself!

3. How to use Jack’d app?

Jack’d is a popular dating app that allows users to connect with other people in their area. To use the Jack’d app, first download it from either the Apple App Store or Google Play store and create an account. Once you have created your profile, you can start searching for potential matches by selecting criteria such as age range, location and interests. You can also upload photos of yourself to make your profile more attractive to others on the platform. After finding someone who catches your eye, simply send them a message through chat or video call if they are online at that time! If not then don’t worry – they will receive notification when they log back into Jack’d so that you two can continue chatting whenever convenient for both parties involved! Finally – always remember safety comes first: never give out personal information unless absolutely necessary; be wary of any suspicious behaviour; report any inappropriate content immediately; and lastly enjoy meeting new people but stay safe while doing so!

4. Is Jack’d free?

Jack’d is a free mobile social networking app for gay, bi, trans and queer people to connect. It offers features such as chat messaging, push notifications and photo sharing that help users meet new friends in their area or around the world. The app also includes an optional subscription service called Jack’d Pro which provides additional benefits like unlimited conversations with other members and access to exclusive content from featured influencers. With its easy-to-use interface and powerful search tools, Jack’d makes it simple for anyone looking to make meaningful connections online without having to pay anything out of pocket.

5. Is Jack’d working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Jack’d is still working and it is possible to find someone there. The app has been around since 2010 and has grown in popularity over the years as a way for people to meet new friends or potential partners. It offers an easy-to-use interface that allows users to search by location, age range, gender identity, interests or other criteria they choose. Once you have found someone who meets your criteria then you can start chatting with them through private messages on the platform. You also have access to public chat rooms where multiple people are talking at once about various topics related to dating and relationships. With its large user base of millions of active members worldwide it’s no surprise that many successful connections have been made using this service!


To conclude, Jack’d is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. It has an easy-to-use design and good usability which makes it enjoyable to use. The safety and security features are also impressive as they ensure that users can enjoy the app without worrying about their personal information being exposed or stolen. Help and support services provided by Jack’d are satisfactory, although there could be some improvements in this area such as providing more detailed FAQs or offering live chat options so customers can get assistance quickly when needed. Finally, user profile quality on the platform is generally quite high with plenty of interesting profiles available from around the world – making it easier than ever before to find someone special online!

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Author William Anderson

William Anderson is an experienced writer and relationship expert. He is passionate about helping people navigate the complexities of love, sex, and dating through his writing. His articles offer advice on everything from dating tips and advice on how to strengthen relationships, to exploring the psychology of love and sexuality. William believes that with the right knowledge and understanding, anyone can create meaningful and fulfilling connections with others. He is a regular contributor to several publications and continues to use his expertise to help others find the love they deserve.