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  • Compatibility-based matching
  • Highly educated members
  • Secure and anonymous environment
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  • Unclear matching algorithm
  • No guarantee of finding a match
  • Lack of safety features


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Parship Review – Is It Any Good In 2023?


Parship is an online dating app that was launched in 2001 and has become one of the most popular platforms for finding a partner. It’s owned by the Parship Group, which also owns other leading European brands such as ElitePartner and eDarling. The platform is mainly used by singles looking to find long-term relationships or even marriage partners, although it can be used for casual encounters too.

The main feature of Parship is its scientific approach to matchmaking – using psychological tests based on 35 years of research from Professor Hugo Schmale at Hamburg University – allowing users to get matched with compatible people who share similar interests and values as them. This helps make sure that users are more likely to have successful dates when they meet up in person after chatting through the app first.

Currently there are over 10 million active members registered on Parship across Europe, making it one of the largest apps available today; especially since it’s only offered within five countries: Germany, Austria, Switzerland (in German), France (in French) & Spain (in Spanish). Although this may seem limiting compared with some global competitors like Tinder or Bumble; those seeking serious relationships often prefer smaller communities where their chances of meeting someone special increase significantly due higher quality matches provided by these localised services like Parship .

As far as pricing goes – yes you do need a subscription if you want full access but free registration does allow limited use including taking personality tests so potential customers can decide whether they’d benefit from subscribing before investing any money into doing so.. Additionally there’s now an iOS/Android mobile application version called ‘MyParShip’ which makes accessing your account much easier than having solely relying upon desktop computers/laptops alone while out socialising etc., thereby giving greater flexibility when trying locate prospective partners nearby during leisure time activities away from home bases etc..

All-round registering onto ParShip requires completing basic personal information forms along with providing valid email addresses plus uploading recent photographs prior being accepted onboard thus enabling others view profiles according details supplied therein order contact via messaging systems accordingly should mutual attraction arise between two parties involved…

How Does Parship Work?

Parship is a popular dating app that helps users find compatible matches. It offers an innovative approach to online dating by using psychometric tests and algorithms to match people based on their personalities, interests, values and lifestyle choices. The app has millions of members from all over the world including Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. Users can create profiles with photos or videos as well as answer questions about themselves in order to help Parship determine who would be best suited for them.

The process of finding potential partners starts with completing a detailed personality test which takes around 20 minutes but will provide invaluable insights into what type of person you are looking for in terms of character traits such as ambition or creativity etc.. Once this step is completed then Parship’s matching algorithm begins its work by providing tailored recommendations based on your results – these could include singles from different countries if desired! Furthermore users can also search through existing member profiles manually should they wish too; allowing more control when it comes to selecting someone special.

In addition there are two types of membership available: Premium Lite (free) & Premium Classic (paid). With both options users have access to unlimited messaging services plus additional features like seeing who visited your profile page recently or being able read receipts confirming whether messages were opened/read yet not replied too – perfect for those seeking reassurance that their message was received! For further convenience mobile apps exist so conversations don’t need end once away from home computer screens either; making staying connected easier than ever before regardless where life’s adventures take us next…

When signing up each user must specify whether they’re interested in pursuing casual relationships only i-e no commitment needed OR something more serious leading towards marriage one day? This allows other members know exactly what kind off relationship they’d potentially be entering into ahead time thereby avoiding any misunderstandings down line – great idea right?! Moreover due safety reasons minors under 18 years old cannot join Parships network meaning adults aged 18+ only get presented during searches conducted via website/app alike giving peace mind knowing everyone involved fully aware consequences associated engaging romantic activities together…

Finally after much searching done success stories start emerging whereby couples meet offline thanks introduction made possible courtesy parships unique service offerings having gone above beyond expectations many times already proving itself worthy investment indeed ! Indeed while traditional methods still remain popular amongst some age groups modern technology certainly come long way helping bring love closer reach now days perhaps even yours very soon…?

  • 1.Compatibility Test: Parship uses a scientific matching algorithm to help users find compatible partners.
  • 2. Secure Communication: All communication between members is encrypted and secure, ensuring privacy for all conversations.
  • 3. Personality Profile: Members can create detailed personality profiles that include their interests, hobbies, values and more so potential matches have an accurate understanding of who they are looking for in a partner
  • 4. Verified Profiles : Every profile on the site is verified by staff before it becomes active so you know you’re only interacting with real people who share your same goals when searching for love or companionship
  • 5 .Events & Activities : Parship offers exclusive events and activities such as dinners, parties , city trips etc., where like-minded singles can meet up in person
  • 6 .Dating Advice & Tips : The website provides helpful advice articles on topics ranging from first date ideas to online dating safety tips

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Parship app is a straightforward process. First, you will need to provide your gender and what kind of relationship you are looking for (e.g., friendship or long-term). Then, enter some basic information about yourself such as age, location and email address before creating a username and password. You will also be asked to complete an extensive personality test that covers topics like values in relationships, leisure activities etc.. After submitting all these details, the app’s matching algorithm uses this data to suggest potential matches who meet your criteria based on compatibility scores determined by their answers during registration. The minimum required age for dating through Parship is 18 years old; however there may be additional restrictions depending upon local laws governing minors’ access to online services . Registration itself is free but if users wish they can upgrade their membership with paid features like unlimited messaging options or detailed profile views from other members which allow them more control over how they interact with others using the platform .

  • 1.User must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. User must create a unique username and password for their account.
  • 3. Users should be at least 18 years of age to register on Parship platform
  • 4. Provide full name, gender, date of birth & country information in the registration form
  • 5 .User should agree with Terms & Conditions while registering on Parship
  • 6 .Users need to upload an image or photo as part of the profile creation process 7 .Provide accurate personal details such as occupation, education level etc during sign up 8 .Acceptance of Privacy Policy is mandatory before submitting registration

Design and Usability of Parship

The Parship app has a modern design with bright colors and simple shapes. The interface is intuitive, making it easy to find profiles of other people by using the search bar or browsing through suggested matches. Usability-wise, the app is very user friendly; navigation between different sections can be done quickly and easily. With a paid subscription you get access to additional features such as detailed personality reports which improve usability even further. Overall, the Parship app offers an enjoyable experience for users looking for their perfect match!

User Profile Quality

Paragraph 1: Parship profiles are public, so anyone can view them. You can set a custom bio and add photos to your profile as well. There is no “friends” feature or anything similar, but there are privacy settings available for users who want to control what information they share with others. Users have the option of signing in using Google or Facebook if they choose to do so, which helps prevent fake accounts from being created on the platform.

Paragraph 2: Location info in user profiles is also an important factor when it comes to finding potential matches on Parship. While you cannot hide your location info completely, it does not reveal any specific city names – only general areas such as countries and regions are shown instead. This allows users some level of anonymity while still providing enough detail about their whereabouts for other members nearby who may be interested in connecting with them online or offline at some point down the line..

Paragraph 3: Having a premium subscription gives access additional features that help improve one’s profile quality even further – like more detailed search filters that allow users find compatible partners faster than before; priority listing options; ability to send unlimited messages etc., All these benefits make upgrading worth considering if someone wants better chances at finding love through this dating service provider!


Parship is a dating website that provides singles with an opportunity to find their perfect match. It uses its unique compatibility test and matching algorithm to connect people who are likely to be compatible in the long run. The site offers various features such as detailed profile pages, messaging system, chatroom, mobile app etc., which makes it easy for users to interact with each other and get into relationships. One of the main advantages of Parship is that it has a large user base from all over Europe so there’s no shortage of potential matches available on this platform. Additionally, they have strict security measures in place which helps protect members from scammers or fake profiles while also providing them with privacy settings so they can control how much information about themselves gets shared publicly online.

The difference between Parship’s website and its app lies mainly in terms of usability; the web version allows users access more advanced search options whereas the mobile application focuses primarily on convenience by allowing you take your conversations anywhere at any time through push notifications when someone sends you messages or likes your profile page etc.. However both versions provide similar features like photo sharing & uploading videos as well as communication tools like instant messenger service (IMS).

At present there isn’t a dedicated Parship dating site but rather just an accompanying mobile application for iOS devices only – meaning those looking for love must use either desktop computers/laptops via browser window instead if using Android phones/tablets where apps aren’t supported yet by Google Play Store policies regarding adult content related services such as these types sites offer typically do not allow downloads onto their platforms due lack proper age verification processes being implemented beforehand during registration process itself before hand-picking suitable candidates accordingly afterwards thereafter onwards respectively too…

Safety & Security

Parship takes the security of its users very seriously. To ensure that all members are genuine, they have implemented a verification process which requires each user to submit valid identification documents and complete an identity check. This helps them fight against bots and fake accounts as it allows Parship to verify whether or not the person is who they say they are. Additionally, photos uploaded by users must be manually reviewed in order for their account to become active on the platform; this ensures that no inappropriate images can make it onto Parship’s website or app. Furthermore, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available so you can secure your account with an extra layer of protection when logging in from different devices or locations – giving you peace of mind while using Parship’s services online!

When it comes to privacy policy at Parships, customers’ data safety always come first: All personal information collected through registration forms is kept confidential and used solely for internal purposes such as verifying customer identities upon sign up/login attempts & providing personalized service recommendations based on individual preferences – nothing else! Moreover, any sensitive payment details entered during checkout processes will never be stored nor shared with third parties outside those necessary for successful transaction completion only (e.g., credit card companies).

Pricing and Benefits

Parship is an online dating app that allows users to find and connect with potential partners. The basic version of the app is free, but there are also paid subscription options available for those who want more features and access.

The premium membership on Parship comes in two tiers: Premium Lite ($19 per month) and Premium Classic ($39 per month). With a paid subscription, users can enjoy additional benefits such as unlimited messaging capabilities, detailed personality reports based on their answers to questionnaires, personalized partner suggestions from the site’s algorithm-based matching system, full mobile access to all features of the website/app etc.

Benefits Of Paid Subscription On Parship :

  • Unlimited Messaging Capabilities $19/$39 Per Month (Premium Lite/Classic)
  • Detailed Personality Reports Based On Questionnaire Answers $19/$39 Per Month (Premium Lite/Classic)
  • Personalized Partner Suggestions From Algorithm-Based Matching System $19/$39 Per Month (Premium Lite/Classic)
  • Full Mobile Access To All Features Of Website / App $19/$39 Per Month (Premium Lite/Classic)

These prices are competitive compared to other similar services offered by competitors in this market space. Additionally customers have 14 days after purchase during which they can cancel their subscriptions without any penalty or cancellation fees if they decide it isn’t right for them – however no refunds will be issued once payment has been made so customers should make sure they’re certain before committing financially!

In conclusion do users really need a paid subscription? That depends entirely upon individual needs; some may benefit greatly from having extra features while others might not feel like it’s worth paying money for something that could potentially be accessed elsewhere at no cost whatsoever! Ultimately only you know what works best for your situation so take time consider carefully before making any decisions about signing up with Parship or another service provider

Help & Support

Parship is a dating website that provides support to its users. There are several ways in which you can access this support, depending on your needs and preferences.

The first way to contact Parship’s customer service team is via email. This option allows customers to explain their issue or query in detail so they receive the most appropriate response from the team as quickly as possible. The general response time for emails sent through Parship’s system varies but typically takes up 24 hours before a reply is received by the user who contacted them initially with an enquiry or complaint..

Another way of accessing help from Parship’s customer service department is by phone call; however, there may be charges associated with calling these numbers due to international rates if applicable . If this method of communication suits better than sending an email then it could prove beneficial for those seeking more immediate assistance and advice about any issues related specifically to using their services online . Furthermore , some people might prefer speaking directly over telephone instead of writing out long messages detailing what problem they have encountered when trying use one particular feature within their account settings etcetera ..

Finally , another useful resource available at no cost whatsoever would be checking out FAQ page provided on parships official website where quick answers regarding commonly asked questions are listed under relevant categories such as ‘general information ‘and ‘payment options’ among others ; thus saving valuable time spent waiting for responses either via e-mail or telephone calls made previously mentioned above


1. Is Parship safe?

Parship is a safe and secure online dating platform. They use the latest security measures to ensure that all of their members’ personal information remains confidential, including encryption technology for sensitive data like credit card numbers. Additionally, Parship offers an anonymous communication system so users can communicate with each other without revealing any identifying details such as names or email addresses. Furthermore, they have implemented various safety features such as photo verification which requires every user to upload a clear picture of themselves in order to verify their identity before being able to access certain areas on the website. All profiles are manually checked by staff members prior approval too; this helps reduce fake accounts and scammers from joining the site in search of vulnerable victims who may be looking for love online but end up getting taken advantage off instead. Overall, Parship provides its users with a safe environment where people can connect and find potential partners without worrying about falling victim to malicious activities or frauds due scams associated with some other less reputable dating sites out there today

2. Is Parship a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Parship is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2001 and it operates in 13 countries across Europe. The website offers an online matchmaking service which uses psychological tests to identify compatible partners for its members. Members can create profiles on the platform, upload photos and search for potential matches based on their preferences such as age range, location or interests. In addition to this basic functionality, Parship also provides advice from relationship experts through articles and videos that are available on the website’s blog section called “Parship Magazine” where users can find useful tips about relationships in general or even get help when facing difficult situations like breakups or infidelity issues among others topics related to love life of singles looking for serious commitment . All these features make Parship one of the most popular European-based online dating sites out there today

3. How to use Parship app?

Using the Parship app is a great way to find your perfect match. The first step is to create an account and fill out your profile, which includes basic information about yourself such as age, location, gender identity and sexual orientation. Once you have filled out this information, you can start searching for potential matches by using filters like distance from where you live or interests that are important to you. You can also use the “Like” feature on profiles of people who interest you in order to let them know that they caught your eye! If someone likes back then it’s a match – allowing both parties access each other’s full profile so they can get better acquainted before deciding if there could be something more between them than just friendship. Communication with matches takes place through private messages or chat rooms within the app itself; users must pay for premium membership in order to unlock all features including unlimited messaging capabilities and additional search options like mutual friends lists etc.. With its easy-to-use interface and helpful features designed specifically for finding true love online – Parship makes it easier than ever before!

4. Is Parship free?

Parship is not free. It offers a range of subscription packages, which allow users to access different features depending on the package they choose. The basic membership plan allows you to create a profile and view other members’ profiles, but does not include any communication tools such as messaging or chat functions. For those who want more from their Parship experience, there are premium plans that offer additional features like unlimited messages and advanced search options for finding compatible matches faster. Prices vary according to the length of your chosen subscription period; however, all subscriptions come with an automatic renewal option so you don’t have to worry about missing out on potential dates if you forget when it’s time for renewal!

5. Is Parship working and can you find someone there?

Parship is a popular online dating service that has been around since 2001. It is designed to help singles find long-term relationships and meaningful connections with other like-minded individuals. The website uses an extensive personality test, which helps it match users with compatible partners who share similar interests and values. Parship also offers a range of features such as chat rooms, photo galleries, forums and private messaging systems so members can interact in real time or get to know each other better before taking the next step towards meeting up offline. With its comprehensive approach to finding love online, many people have had success using Parship’s services over the years – both for casual dates as well as more serious commitments leading into marriage or long term partnerships down the line. So yes – you absolutely can find someone on Parship!


In conclusion, Parship is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. It has an intuitive design and easy-to-use interface that makes it user friendly. The safety and security of the users are also top notch with secure encryption technology in place as well as strict privacy policies. Help and support from customer service representatives is always available when needed, making sure all issues can be resolved quickly if they arise. Finally, the quality of user profiles on Parship ensures that you will only meet people who match your criteria perfectly so you don’t have to waste time sifting through irrelevant results or fake accounts like some other apps do. All in all, we would highly recommend giving this app a try!

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Author Joshua Martin

Joshua Martin is a passionate writer and relationship expert based in Toronto. He has been writing about online dating and relationships for the past five years, offering advice to people of all ages and backgrounds. Joshua is committed to helping others find healthy and lasting relationships through his articles and blog posts. He also offers one-on-one coaching services to help individuals find the right match and develop a meaningful connection. In his free time, Joshua enjoys reading, playing video games, and exploring new places.