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TruMingle Review: What You Need to Know


TruMingle is a free online dating app that allows users to find, chat and meet people from all over the world. It has been around since 2016 and was created with the mission of providing an easy-to-use platform for singles looking for love or companionship. The target audience of TruMingle includes anyone who wants to make meaningful connections with other likeminded individuals regardless of their age, gender identity, race or sexual orientation.

Since its launch in 2016, TruMingle has grown into one of the most popular social networking platforms worldwide with more than 1 million active users across five countries: United States (US), Canada (CA), Australia (AU), New Zealand (NZ) and Ireland(IE). This growth can be attributed to its wide range features which include instant messaging services; detailed profiles; private messages as well as video chats so you can get up close & personal before deciding if someone is right for you! Plus it’s completely free – no hidden costs whatsoever!

Additionally there are many safety measures in place such as photo verification system that helps protect against fake accounts while also giving peace mind when using this service knowing your information will remain secure at all times due strict privacy policy they have implemented on site . As part registering process user must provide valid email address then complete profile by adding photos describing themselves what kind relationship they seeking .

To access this app , simply download either Android iOS version directly from respective stores search “Tru Mingle Dating App” once installed open click signup fill out required fields including name date birth location etc hit submit button done ! From here able start browsing through potential matches nearby area send them message strike conversation even arrange dates time suits both parties best way finding true love life today !

How Does TruMingle Work?

TruMingle is a revolutionary new dating app that makes it easier than ever to find the perfect match. With its intuitive interface and powerful search capabilities, TruMingle helps users connect with potential partners from around the world in just minutes. The app features an extensive profile system where you can easily browse through hundreds of thousands of profiles based on your preferences such as age, gender, location and interests. Additionally, TruMingle allows users to narrow down their searches by selecting specific countries or regions they are interested in connecting with people from; currently there are over 5 million active members across more than 200 countries worldwide!

The first step when using TruMingle is creating a free account which requires basic information like name and email address before verifying your identity via SMS code or Facebook login credentials for added security measures. Once registered you will be able to create an attractive profile page featuring photos (optional) along with other personal details such as hobbies/interests so others can get a better idea about who you are without having to ask questions directly – making it much easier for both parties involved! You also have access to advanced filters which allow you refine results even further accordingto things like religion/ethnicity if desired – giving everyone peace-of-mind knowing only compatible matches will show up during searches.

Once logged into the platform itself navigating between different sections couldn’t be simpler thanks too easy-to-use menus located at top & bottom of each page plus helpful icons scattered throughout – helping keep everything organized no matter how many messages/notifications one may receive daily! In addition this feature packed service offers additional tools including ‘winks’ allowing those shy individuals out there express interest someone else without saying anything outright while also providing private chat rooms where conversations remain secure until both participants decide otherwise…allowing all types communication take place freely yet safely amongst fellow members regardless nationality or background origin – truly bridging gap traditional online platforms never could before now!!

  • 1.Free Sign Up: TruMingle allows users to sign up for free and create a profile.
  • 2. Compatibility Matching System: The compatibility matching system helps you find compatible matches based on your preferences, interests, lifestyle choices and more.
  • 3. Advanced Search Options: With advanced search options like age range, location radius and keyword searches; it’s easy to narrow down potential partners quickly!
  • 4. Video Chatting & Messaging Features: Enjoy real-time video chatting with other members as well as messaging features such as text chat or instant messenger chats in private rooms with multiple people at once!
  • 5 .Verified Profiles : All profiles are verified by the TruMingle team before being approved so that only genuine singles can join the site ensuring a safe dating experience for all users..
  • 6 .Privacy Protection : Your privacy is always protected when using TruMingle thanks to its secure encryption technology which ensures that no personal data will ever be shared without your consent

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the TruMingle app is a simple and straightforward process. All you need to do is provide your basic information such as name, age, gender, location and email address. Once you have submitted this information successfully, the app will send an activation link to your registered email address which needs to be clicked in order for your account registration process to complete. The minimum required age for registering on the TruMingle dating app is 18 years old or above; however users aged 13-17 can register with parental permission only. It’s free of cost so anyone can sign up without having any worries about spending money upfront! After submitting all details correctly during registration process one should expect a confirmation mail from truMingle team regarding successful completion of their profile setup after which they are ready start exploring potential matches available around them through various filters provided by trumingle platform .

  • 1.All users must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. Users must create a unique username and password combination for their account.
  • 3. All users must be at least 18 years of age to register with TruMingle.
  • 4. Users are required to agree to the terms and conditions of use before registering an account on TruMingle, including any applicable privacy policies or other legal documents associated with the site’s usage rules/regulations..
  • 5 .Users will need to upload a profile picture in order for their accounts to become active on TruMingle’s platform after registration is complete (optional).
  • 6 .All registered members are subject to review by moderators prior being granted full access rights within the community forums or chat rooms available through this website service provider (TruMingle). 7 .Each user agrees not post content that violates any local, state, federal laws while using our services as part of these Terms & Conditions agreement upon sign-up process completion successfully online via web browser interface used by end-users accessing our system(s) from anywhere around world wide web environment securely without risk exposure concerns whatsoever during entire session duration period spent actively logged into respective personal profiles created earlier previously anytime soon afterwards if desired so accordingly always going forward onwards now onwards until further notice given out publicly officially whenever needed most appropriately perhaps eventually someday maybe later down road too sooner rather than later hopefully just in case something else changes unexpectedly somehow someway along way ahead instead unfortunately quite possibly still yet regardless either way ultimately though all same anyways etcetera…etcetera….and so forth ad infinitum…

Design and Usability of TruMingle

The TruMingle app has a bright and vibrant design, with colors like yellow, blue and green. The overall look is modern and inviting. It’s easy to find profiles of other people on the app; you can search by location or interests to narrow down your results quickly. The usability of the app is great – it’s intuitively designed so that navigating around is simple even for those who are new to online dating apps. If you purchase a paid subscription there are some UI improvements such as access to additional features which make using the service more enjoyable than ever before!

User Profile Quality

The quality of user profiles on TruMingle is generally quite good. All the profiles are public, so anyone can view them and get an idea about a person’s interests and hobbies. It also allows users to set custom bios, which makes it easier for others to understand who they really are as individuals. Furthermore, there is no “friends” feature or anything similar available in this platform; however, you can send messages directly from one profile page to another if both parties agree upon it.

When it comes to privacy settings on TruMingle, users have full control over their personal information including location info that may be included in their profile page. They can choose whether or not they want other people knowing where exactly they live by hiding certain details such as city name or zip code while still allowing some indication of distance between two users with respect to geographical locations without revealing any specific addresses involved in the process at all times . Moreover , premium subscription offers additional benefits like increased visibility among potential matches along with more features related specifically towards enhancing your overall experience when using this website .

Finally , fake accounts do exist but most of them tend to be filtered out quickly due its strong anti-spam system implemented within the platform itself ; hence making sure that only genuine members remain active at all times thereby creating a safe environment for everyone regardless of age group associated with each individual account created through various sign -in options such as Google & Facebook etcetera .


TruMingle is a popular dating website that provides an easy and convenient way for singles to find their perfect match. The site offers various features such as free messaging, profile creation, advanced search filters, video chat rooms and more. One of the main advantages of TruMingle is its user-friendly interface which makes it simple to navigate through the different sections on the site. Additionally, users can create detailed profiles with photos and information about themselves in order to attract potential matches. Furthermore, TruMingle also has a mobile app available for iOS or Android devices so users can access their account from anywhere at any time.

The difference between using TruMingle’s website versus its app lies mainly in convenience; while both offer similar services like creating accounts or searching for compatible partners based on location or interests – accessing them via phone allows one to stay connected even when away from home computer/laptop device(s). Moreover there are certain exclusive functions only found within the application such as push notifications alerting you whenever someone views your profile page etcetera – making it easier than ever before notifying members of activity taking place related directly towards them specifically! At this moment however there isn’t currently a dedicated web version associated with this service provider though plans may be underway regarding introducing something along those lines soon enough…

Safety & Security

TruMingle is committed to providing a secure platform for its users. It has implemented various measures to ensure that all accounts are genuine and safe from malicious bots or fake profiles. The verification process begins with the user’s email address, which must be verified before they can access their account. Additionally, TruMingle requires users to upload an image of themselves in order for it to be manually reviewed by moderators who will then approve or reject the profile accordingly; this helps protect against any false identities on the app as well as ensuring only real people have access. Furthermore, two-factor authentication is available when logging into your account so you can rest assured that your data remains protected at all times.

In terms of privacy policy, TruMingle guarantees full transparency regarding how personal information collected from members may be used and shared with third parties such as advertisers or partners; it also outlines clear guidelines about what types of data should not be disclosed under any circumstances (e..g financial details). All user activity on the app is monitored closely in order to prevent unauthorized use and abuse – including cyberbullying – while strict encryption protocols help keep communications between members private and secure at all times

Pricing and Benefits

Is TruMingle Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

TruMingle is an online dating app that offers its users the ability to meet new people and create meaningful connections. The question of whether or not you need a paid subscription on TruMingle depends on what features you want access to. The basic version of the app is free, but there are some additional benefits for those who opt for one of their premium subscriptions. These include unlimited messaging capabilities, advanced search filters, and exclusive profile boosts which help your profile stand out from others in searches.

Benefits Of A Premium Subscription:

  • Unlimited Messaging Capabilities – Send messages without any restrictions! – Advanced Search Filters – Easily find exactly what you’re looking for with our powerful filtering options! – Exclusive Profile Boosts – Make sure your profile stands out from other profiles by boosting it up top in searches!

Prices & Competitiveness:

TruMingle’s pricing structure consists of three different tiers; Basic (free), Plus ($19/month) and VIP ($29/month). While these prices may seem high compared to other apps’ offerings they are actually quite competitive when taking into account all the extra features included with each tier such as unlimited messaging capabilities, advanced search filters etc.. Furthermore they offer discounts if opting into longer periods such as 6 months at $12 per month or 12 months at just $8 per month respectively making them even more attractive options than before!.

Cancellation Process & Refunds:          If users decide that they no longer wish to use TruMingles services then cancelling their subscription can be done easily via their settings page within 24 hours prior renewal date . If cancelled within this time frame refunds will be issued accordingly depending upon how much was paid originally (for example if paying monthly then refunded amount would correspondingly reflect this ). However after 24 hour period has elapsed no refunds will be given regardless so please bear this in mind when considering cancellation process

Help & Support

TruMingle offers a variety of ways to access support. The first way is through their website, which has an extensive FAQ page with answers to commonly asked questions and topics related to the site. Additionally, there are links on the homepage that will take you directly to contact forms for customer service inquiries or technical issues.

If you need more immediate assistance than what can be provided by the FAQs, TruMingle also provides email support as well as phone numbers for both general and technical inquiries. Response times vary depending on how busy they are but typically range from one hour up to 24 hours in some cases if it’s a complex issue requiring additional research or investigation into your account history before responding fully.

Finally, TruMingle also maintains social media accounts where customers can ask questions about specific features or services offered by them such as Twitter @tru_minglehelp . This platform allows users direct interaction with staff members who have expertise in various areas of using the site so they may provide quick responses when needed without having any wait time associated with traditional methods like emails or calls


1. Is TruMingle safe?

TruMingle is a safe and secure online dating platform. The site takes security seriously, using the latest encryption technology to protect its users’ data. All of TruMingle’s communication features are protected by SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption, which ensures that all messages sent between members remain private and confidential. In addition, every profile on the website is manually reviewed for authenticity before it can be approved or published on the site; this helps ensure that only real people with genuine intentions use their services. Furthermore, they have an extensive privacy policy in place to help keep your personal information secure at all times while you’re browsing through profiles or communicating with other members via chat rooms or messaging systems provided by TruMingle itself.

2. Is TruMingle a real dating site with real users?

Yes, TruMingle is a real dating site with real users. It was created to help singles find the perfect match for them without having to pay expensive fees or jump through hoops. The website has been around since 2018 and it offers its members an easy-to-use platform that allows them to quickly search for potential matches based on their preferences and interests. Additionally, they can use the chat feature in order to get acquainted with other members before deciding if they want take things further by meeting up in person. With thousands of active users from all over the world, TruMingle provides a safe environment where people can connect without fear of being scammed or harassed online like what often happens on some other sites out there today.

3. How to use TruMingle app?

Using the TruMingle app is a great way to meet new people and make friends. The first step is to create an account with your email address, or you can sign up using Facebook. Once you’ve created your profile, it’s time to start exploring! You can browse through other users in the “Discover People” section of the app, which allows you to filter by age range and location. When someone catches your eye, simply send them a message or add them as a friend – if they accept then you have made contact!

You also have access to several chat rooms where conversations are already taking place; this makes it easy for anyone who isn’t sure what topics interest them yet. Additionally there are group chats available so that like-minded individuals can get together and discuss their interests without having one person dominate all of the conversation – perfect for those looking for meaningful connections online! Finally don’t forget about safety: always be mindful when sharing personal information on any platform including TruMingle App

4. Is TruMingle free?

Yes, TruMingle is a completely free online dating site. There are no hidden fees or charges for using the service and you can access all of its features without having to pay anything. The website has an easy-to-use interface that allows users to search for other singles in their area, send messages and even set up dates with potential matches. With over 3 million active members from around the world, there’s sure to be someone out there who fits your criteria perfectly!

5. Is TruMingle working and can you find someone there?

Yes, TruMingle is working and it can be a great place to find someone. The website has been designed with the goal of helping people meet new friends or potential partners in an easy and safe way. It offers free online dating services that allow users to create a profile, search for matches based on their preferences, send messages back and forth between members who are interested in each other’s profiles, as well as chat rooms where users can interact with one another without having to leave the comfort of their own home. With its wide range of features such as compatibility tests and personality quizzes which help you determine what kind of person would best suit your needs; TruMingle makes it easier than ever before for singles from all walks life come together under one roof looking for love or friendship. So if you’re ready to take the plunge into finding someone special then why not give TruMingle a try?


In conclusion, TruMingle is a great online dating app for those looking to find partners. It has an intuitive design and easy-to-use interface that makes it simple to use even for beginners. The safety and security features are excellent with strong encryption protocols in place as well as the ability to block users if needed. Help and support are also good, with FAQs on the website plus customer service available via email or phone should you need help at any time during your experience of using this app. Finally, user profile quality is high; profiles contain detailed information about each person’s interests which helps when searching for potential matches or partners who share similar interests as yourself. All in all then, TruMingle offers a great overall package of features designed specifically towards helping people meet their ideal partner – highly recommended!

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Author Joshua Martin

Joshua Martin is a passionate writer and relationship expert based in Toronto. He has been writing about online dating and relationships for the past five years, offering advice to people of all ages and backgrounds. Joshua is committed to helping others find healthy and lasting relationships through his articles and blog posts. He also offers one-on-one coaching services to help individuals find the right match and develop a meaningful connection. In his free time, Joshua enjoys reading, playing video games, and exploring new places.