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LesbieDates Review 2023


LesbieDates is an online dating platform that was created to connect lesbian, bisexual and queer women from all over the world. It has been around since 2013 and it continues to be one of the most popular apps for this target audience. The app offers a range of features designed specifically for LGBTQ+ women, such as private messaging options, profile customization tools and search filters based on age or location.

The app currently boasts more than 500 thousand active users in over 100 countries worldwide – making it one of the largest communities dedicated exclusively to lesbians looking for love or friendship online. LesbieDates is owned by Dattch Ltd., which also owns other similar platforms like Her (for gay men) and Chappy (for everyone). The service is available in five main markets: United States, Canada, Australia/New Zealand, Europe & Latin America – where it enjoys considerable popularity among its user base.

Using LesbieDates does not require any payment; however there are some premium features that can only be accessed with a paid subscription plan called “Plus” membership – which includes additional perks such as unlimited messages per day or advanced search capabilities amongst others.. In addition to their website version accessible through any web browser device; they have developed mobile applications compatible with both iOS & Android devices so you can take your conversations wherever you go! Registration process requires basic information about yourself including name email address password etc… Once registered users will need fill out their profiles adding pictures interests hobbies favorite music movies books tv shows etc… This way potential matches get better idea who they are talking too before deciding whether pursue conversation further exchange contact details arrange date meet face-to-face real life situation …

How Does LesbieDates Work?

LesbieDates is an online dating app that helps lesbian, bisexual and queer women to find love. It provides a safe space for users to meet like-minded individuals who share similar interests. The app has many features such as detailed profile creation, photo uploads and messaging options so users can get in touch with potential matches quickly and easily. LesbieDates also offers additional tools such as matchmaking algorithms which help you narrow down your search based on age, location or other criteria.

Finding profiles on the LesbieDates app is simple; all you need to do is enter some basic information about yourself including gender identity, sexual orientation and relationship status before browsing through available profiles of other members from around the world. You can filter results by country too – there are currently over 5 million active users from more than 30 countries worldwide! Whether it’s casual flirting or serious relationships that you’re looking for – this platform caters for everyone regardless of their sexuality or preferences when it comes to finding a partner online..

The user base consists mainly of lesbians but also includes bi-curious people seeking same sex connections along with transgender individuals searching for someone special too – meaning whatever type of person you’re looking for they will likely be found here! There’s even a dedicated section specifically designed just gay couples seeking long term commitment if desired!

The security measures taken by Lesbiedate ensure safety while using its services: every new member must pass verification process upon registration; each account requires email confirmation before being activated; real name policy applies (no nicknames); strong password encryption prevents unauthorized access etc., making sure only genuine accounts remain visible at any given time within the community network . In addition , 24/7 customer support team ensures smooth functioning without any technical issues arising during usage period .

Finally , thanks to geo localization feature offered by this service one may connect with locals wherever he/she travels abroad : simply select “near me now” option in order see nearby singles ready start conversation ! This way international travelers have chance explore different cultures through eyes local inhabitants whilst expanding social circle overseas locations ..

  • 1.Comprehensive Profiles: LesbieDates offers detailed profiles with information about users’ interests, lifestyle choices, and relationship goals.
  • 2. Private Messaging System: Users can privately message each other to start conversations or continue existing ones in a secure environment.
  • 3. Matchmaking Algorithm: The site uses an advanced algorithm to match compatible singles based on their individual preferences and characteristics for more successful connections
  • 4. Video Chatting Feature: This feature allows users to video chat with potential matches from the comfort of their own homes without having to worry about safety concerns that come along with meeting someone in person before getting acquainted online first
  • 5 .Events & Activities Calendar :LesbieDates has an events calendar which helps members find activities they are interested in attending near them such as LGBT meetups, movie nights etc., so they can make new friends while exploring shared interests together
  • 6 .Group Discussions Forum :The forum provides a safe space for members of the LGBTQ+ community who want discuss topics related relationships , dating advice , current news stories relevant issues affecting our society today

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the LesbieDates app is a straightforward process. First, you will need to provide your gender and sexual orientation, as well as some basic information such as age, location and email address. You can also add a profile picture if desired but it’s not mandatory. Once all of this has been completed successfully, you are ready to start using the app! After submitting your details for registration on LesbieDates, users have access to an array of features including creating their own profile page with photos and personal interests; browsing other profiles in search of potential matches; sending messages or flirts directly from within the platform; setting up dates via video chat or audio call options etc. The minimum required age for dating on this app is 18 years old and registering is free-of-charge so anyone over that age can join without having to pay anything upfront!

  • 1.A valid email address
  • 2. Date of birth
  • 3. Gender identity and sexual orientation
  • 4. Country of residence
  • 5. Profile picture (optional)
  • 6. Username and password for account security purposes
  • 7. Agree to the terms & conditions, privacy policy, etc 8 .Confirmation that you are 18 years or older

Design and Usability of LesbieDates

The LesbieDates app has a modern design with vibrant colors and sleek visuals. The main page is filled with photos of members, making it easy to find profiles that interest you. Navigation within the app is simple and intuitive, allowing users to quickly access their messages or profile settings without any hassle. The usability of the app makes it an enjoyable experience for all users regardless if they have a paid subscription or not; however, there are some UI improvements when upgrading such as more detailed search options and unlimited messaging capabilities.

User Profile Quality

The user profiles on LesbieDates are public, so anyone can view them. Each profile includes a custom bio section where users can write about themselves and their interests. There is also an option to add friends or follow other members, allowing you to keep up with what they’re doing and connect more easily. Privacy settings allow users the choice of who can see their profile information such as age, location etc., while there is also a Google or Facebook sign-in feature for added security against fake accounts. Location info in each profile reveals your city but not exact address; however it does indicate the distance between two people which helps when searching for potential matches nearby. For those with premium subscriptions there are additional benefits such as being able to hide one’s location info from others if desired along with access to exclusive features like advanced search filters and unlimited messaging options among many others!


LesbieDates is a dating website specifically designed for lesbian, bisexual and queer women. It provides an easy-to-use platform to help users find their perfect match. The site offers several features such as detailed profiles, advanced search filters and secure messaging system that allow members to connect with each other in a safe environment. Additionally, LesbieDates also has an app which can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play store for free on mobile devices. The main advantage of using LesbieDates is its user friendly interface which makes it easier for users to navigate through the different sections of the website quickly and efficiently without any difficulty. Furthermore, there are no restrictions when it comes to age range or sexual orientation so everyone can join regardless of who they are looking for in terms of relationship type or gender identity/expression preferences etc.. On top of this all communication between members is encrypted making sure that personal information remains private at all times providing added security while browsing potential matches online safely! However one disadvantage would be that since only lesbians use this service there may not always be enough people available within your local area depending on where you live; therefore finding someone suitable could take longer than expected due some areas having less active users compared others nearby locations . Another issue could arise if too many inactive accounts exist then searching results will become more limited leading into fewer options being presented overall potentially decreasing chances meeting somebody special significantly !

At present time , unfortunately Lesbiedate does not have its own dedicated dating site yet however plans have been made by developers working hard behind scenes creating something truly unique tailored exclusively towards LGBTQ+ community especially targeting female audience . Reasons why project still hasn’t launched include lack resources required funding development process along with additional difficulties caused pandemic delaying progress even further causing delays launching date indefinitely until these issues resolved hopefully sooner rather later enabling team continue work uninterruptedly bringing us closer releasing official version finally soonest possible moment !

Safety & Security

LesbieDates is a popular dating app for lesbians, and it takes the security of its users very seriously. The platform has implemented various measures to ensure that only real people can access their services. All new accounts must go through an email verification process before they are allowed to use LesbieDates’ features. This helps reduce the number of bots and fake accounts on the platform significantly as these malicious actors cannot pass this verification step without valid credentials.

In addition, all profile photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed by moderators who check if they meet certain criteria such as being appropriate in terms of content or not containing any personal information like phone numbers or addresses which could be used for identity theft purposes. If a photo does not meet these standards then it will be rejected immediately so that other members don’t have access to inappropriate images while browsing profiles on LesbieDates’ website or mobile application..

For added security, two-factor authentication (2FA) is also available for those who want extra protection when logging into their account from unknown devices/locations – this requires entering both your password and an additional code sent via SMS each time you sign in from somewhere new ensuring no one else can gain unauthorized access even if someone manages to guess your password somehow!

When using LesbieDate’s service customers should know that their data remains safe due to strict privacy policies enforced across all platforms – user data including emails & passwords remain encrypted at rest & during transmission meaning third parties won’t ever get hold of them unless explicitly authorized by said customer themselves! Furthermore there’s also regular monitoring systems put in place so any suspicious activity gets flagged up quickly allowing administrators take action swiftly against potential threats making sure everyone stays secure while using lesbiedate online services

Pricing and Benefits

LesbieDates is a dating app specifically designed for lesbian, bisexual and queer women. It allows users to connect with each other in order to find friendship, love or even just someone who shares the same interests as them. The basic version of LesbieDates is free but there are also premium subscription options available which offer additional features such as unlimited messaging and access to advanced search filters. The prices for these subscriptions vary depending on how long you sign up for:

  • 1 month: $19/month
  • 3 months: $14/month (save 26%)
  • 6 months: $12/month (save 37%)

These prices are quite competitive compared to similar apps on the market so it could be worth investing in one of these paid plans if you want more from your experience with LesbieDates. However, it’s important that users understand what they’re signing up for before committing – once a payment has been made all sales are final and no refunds will be issued unless required by law or otherwise stated in writing at the time of purchase. If after purchasing a plan users decide they don’t need it anymore then they can cancel their subscription through their account settings page at any time without penalty; however this must be done prior to renewal date otherwise charges may still apply until cancellation takes effect from next billing cycle onwards..

Help & Support

LesbieDates provides several options for users to access support. The first option is the Help Center page, which contains a list of frequently asked questions and answers that can be quickly accessed by all members. This page also includes contact information if you need further assistance or have more specific inquiries. Additionally, there is an email address provided on this page where users can send their queries directly to LesbieDates’ customer service team who will respond within 24 hours in most cases.

For urgent matters, LesbieDates offers phone support as well with dedicated lines available from Monday through Friday during business hours (9am-5pm EST). The response time via telephone tends to be faster than when using other methods such as email since customers are able to speak directly with someone from the customer service team immediately after calling in. Furthermore, calls made outside of regular business hours may still receive responses depending on availability and urgency of the issue at hand; however it should not take longer than 48 hours for any inquiry sent over phone or email alike before receiving a reply back from our representatives .

Finally , we understand how important it is for our community members feel supported so we strive hard every day towards providing them with exceptional services whenever they reach out – whether that’s via chatbot/live chat functionality found right here on site , help center pages full of quick answers & tips regarding common issues experienced while navigating around platform ; emails being answered promptly no matter what kind question might arise – rest assured knowing your needs are taken care off!


1. Is LesbieDates safe?

Yes, LesbieDates is a safe and secure dating platform. The website takes the safety of its users very seriously and has implemented several measures to ensure that all members are protected from potential harm or abuse. All profiles must be verified before they can become active on the site, so you know that everyone who appears in your search results is genuine. In addition, LesbieDates offers an extensive privacy policy which outlines how user data will be used and stored securely within their system. They also have a team of moderators who actively monitor conversations between members to make sure no inappropriate content or behavior occurs on the site. With these safeguards in place, you can feel confident when using this online dating service as it provides a safe environment for lesbian singles looking for love connections with other like-minded individuals

2. Is LesbieDates a real dating site with real users?

Yes, LesbieDates is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2003 and offers its members the opportunity to meet other lesbians from all over the world in an online environment. The website provides various features that allow users to connect with each other including messaging, chat rooms, forums and profile pages where they can share information about themselves such as interests or hobbies. Users are also able to search for potential matches based on their location or preferences which makes it easier for them to find someone who shares similar values and beliefs as them. In addition, there are safety measures in place so that members feel secure when using the service; these include verifying user profiles before they appear publicly on the site and providing tips on how best use online dating services safely while still having fun meeting new people!

3. How to use LesbieDates app?

Using the LesbieDates app is a great way to meet and connect with other lesbian, bisexual, queer or pansexual women. To get started on the app you will need to download it from either Google Play Store for Android users or App Store for iOS users. Once downloaded, open up the application and create an account by providing your basic information such as name, age etc., which can be done in just a few minutes. After that you’ll have access to all of its features like creating your profile where you can add pictures of yourself along with some details about who you are looking for so others know what kind of person they might match up well with; search through profiles using various filters including location-based searches; send messages and flirts (similar to likes) directly within conversations; view members’ activity feed so see when someone has viewed their profile or sent them a message/flirt – this helps keep track if anyone is interested in talking more than once! Finally there’s also live chat rooms available too which allow people from around world come together discuss topics related LGBTQ+ community while getting know each other better at same time! All these features make LesbieDates one best apps out there connecting lesbians worldwide – give it try today find true love tomorrow!

4. Is LesbieDates free?

Yes, LesbieDates is free to use. It does not require any payment or subscription fees for users to access the site and its features. The website offers a range of features that are available without cost, such as creating an account, browsing through profiles of other members in your area, sending messages and flirts with other members who you find interesting on the platform. Additionally, there are no hidden costs associated with using LesbieDates – all services provided by this dating service come at no additional charge!

5. Is LesbieDates working and can you find someone there?

Yes, LesbieDates is a working and popular online dating site that caters to lesbian singles. It has been around since 2003 and continues to be one of the most active sites for women seeking same-sex relationships. On LesbieDates, you can find someone with similar interests or values as yourself in no time at all! The website offers various features such as detailed profiles, messaging capabilities, chat rooms and more – so it’s easy to connect with other likeminded individuals who are looking for friendship or love. With its user friendly interface and helpful customer service team available 24/7; there’s no doubt that anyone could find someone special on this platform if they put in some effort into their search process!


In conclusion, LesbieDates is a great dating app for lesbian and bisexual women. It has an intuitive design that makes it easy to use, with helpful features like location-based search filters and photo verification. The safety and security of the users are also taken seriously by the developers who have put in place measures such as email authentication, profile moderation system etc., making sure that only real people can join their platform. Furthermore, they provide excellent customer support which helps resolve any issues quickly if needed.

Overall user profiles on LesbieDates appear to be quite good quality with most members having filled out detailed information about themselves including interests or hobbies along with pictures of them selves which help make it easier to find potential matches based on similar interests or lifestyle choices rather than just looks alone.. In terms of usability there could be some improvements made but overall its a great way for lesbians & bisexuals looking for love online!

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Author Ava White

Ava White is a professional writer and reviewer of dating sites and apps. She has extensive experience in the online dating industry and has been writing reviews for the last five years. Ava excels in providing honest and reliable assessments of the various sites and apps out there in order to help people make informed decisions when selecting a dating service. She is passionate about helping people find the right match and takes a lot of pride in her work. When she's not writing reviews, Ava enjoys cooking, listening to music, and spending time with her family.